Chapter 4

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I wasn't sure if the plan was gonna work but i will explain it later. Firstly i need just to get myself there and try to act like a normal person.

"See ya later, Bee." I smiled and i put my hand on his servo.

I started to walk away and i walked outside and i was ready to leave. I saw Ron and Judy next to Ron's car and then i saw Mikaela and Sam kissing.

"Gross." I murmured and i tried to sneak past them.

"You ready?" Judy asked.

"Yeah, i'm-.." I started but i got cut of by some sharp pain in my hand.

"Ouch..." I said and i tried to massage my hand.

"Y/n, you okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

I looked my hand and it was strange looking. My hand looked like there was a burn mark.

"Bye Mikaela and i hope we'll see soon!" I yelled at her and she waved at me.

"Let's go you two." Ron said and we hopped inside the car.

I was looking outside from the window and thinking about everything. Optimus, military, the Cube and this whole situation was cracking my nerves. I rubbed my hand while i felt the mark on my hand.

"Where did you get that?" Sam suddenly whispered to me.

"What?" I asked because i was confused.

Sam pointed my hand and of course he saw it.

"Oh, the piece gave me some kind of burn or electric shock and it left this. It didn't look like this hour ago." I whispered back.

"Does it hurt?" Sam asked.

"Not really... I mean i got a little sharp pain to it but everything is fine." I said and i turned my head towards the window again.

Sam just huffed and didn't answer me.


The trip was so long that i felt like i aged 30 years. I even fell asleep but i think it was the best because i was so tired anyways.

"Oh, my gosh! Look at this place." Judy said to us while spinning around.

"Great..." I mumbled when i saw all the people and the whole campus.

"I feel smarted already." Judy said excited.

Sam grabbed one of his boxes and i took my pathetic bag because i didn't have much stuff 'cus almost everything was in the military base.

"Ron, can you smell it?" Judy asked.

"Yeah, smells like $80,000 a year" Ron complained.

"Hey, cheapo." Judy cut him off.

"Yeah and i'm paying this by myself anyways." I told Ron while i gave him a annoyed grin.

"Yeah, with the military's money." Sam said after me.

"Very funny." I said and i hit his arm.

"Hey, go ahead. We'll get your stuff." Ron said to us.

"Just go ahead and check out your rooms." Ron said.

Sam was excited and smiled to Ron and Judy and i really tried my best.

I followed Sam inside the campus and it smelled like sweat and garbages, although it is no different from the army.

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