Chapter 25

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"I have so many questions where i need your help." I said to him while Optimus put me on to his shoulder plate.

"Let's go home first." Optimus said.

"That sounds more than perfect." I answered back him and we started to gather to one place.

"You did well, Ratchet!" I yelled to him.

"Thank you. Same to you." Ratched said to me.

"Everyone! There is craft waiting for us! I'll give you all cordinates so we'll meet there!" Lennox yelled to us. We needed to drive there because surprise there wasn't any water near of us. Luckily it was few miles so it wasn't that far away.

Not surprise that i went with Optimus.

"We lost Arcee." I murmured because i was still sad about them.

"They were good comrades" Optimus answered to me.

There was silence.

"I saw the Primes." I said out of nowhere.

Optimus didn't answer.

"They told me that you're..." I started but then i stopped because how stupid it would sound if i said yeah well your brothers said that you're my destiny. Stupid me.

"That you could help me with this arm." I chanced my answer.

"Do you know what it is?" Optimus asked.

"Yeah, do you?" I fired back.

"Of course." Optimus said.

"I didn't even know that it's possible that humans could get the Spark. I mean sure my arm looks little bit differend but like is it my arm or my whole body?" I was so confused.

"Don't worry. We will figure it out together." Optimus said and those words stopped me.


"I'm not worrying. I'm just little confused." I said and we were almost in our destination.

I looked outside and some people were already getting on the craft. I opened the drivers seat door and i was ready to step out.

"Be careful." Optimus said.

"Really? That's lovely but i'm not five and you would catch me anyways." I smiled.

"Heyy!" Sam waved.

I smiled and then i saw Leo and Simmons.

"So you two are alive?" I asked laughing.

"More alive than ever." Leo said.

"Good you didn't die." I said to Leo and i was walking past to them but i stopped.

"You too, Simmons." I smiled to him.

"You too." Simmons laughed.

"Everyone hop in!" Lennox commanded to us and we started to step on the craft.

* * * *

It was getting chilly because we were middle of the sea and it was windy. It was so nice when everything was so peaceful.

"Take this." Lennox walked past me and dropped a jacket to my shoulders and then he left before i could even say anything.

"Thank you!" I thanked him.

"Y/n! Y/n!" I heard and i turned around and Judy was already hugging me.

"You alright?" She asked and Ron walked next to them.

"I'm perfectly fine. Don't worry." I smiled to them.

"Are you coming home?" Ron asked.

"Well..." I started and i looked the Autobots.

"I think i belong to somewhere else but don't worry. I'll come to visit often." I said.

"You better come. And we'll come there too." Judy said to me while still hugging me.

"Yeah." I murmured.

After while we broke the hug and i tried to find Sam until i found him. I walked next to him.

"I have the Spark." I said.

"You do?" Sam asked.

"Yeah..." I murmured.

"Well i knew that, that wasn't normal." Sam pointed my arm.

"Funny." I laughed and i went silent again.

I started to walk towards the edge of the craft so i could see the sea better. It was beautiful.

I heard loud steps coming closer and i felt the platform rumble under my feet.

"Thank you, Y/n, for saving my life." Optimus said to me.

"Anything for you and thank you for trusting me." I said to him. I looked at him but then i looked back to the sea.

Optimus stayed and stood next to me. I felt safe when he was around.

I looked Optimus again and i couldn't get my eyes off him.

I felt something weird like i should say something. What would i lose? We only live once and you don't ever know when it's going to end.

"You really are my destiny." I said to him.

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