Chapter 7

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It was already bright outside and we were in some graveyard.

"You're kidding? Right?" I asked outloud and Bee stopped.

I opened the door and i jumped out and Optimus was standing there and i noticed Sam was following me.

"You won't give us a day? Huh?" Sam asked.

"Sam, don't be rude." I said and pinched his arm.

But then i started to think that maybe Sam was right because i promised to Lennox and even Optimus said to me that i need to try my best.

"Optimus, i promised to Lennox... and you. Why are you here?" I asked from him.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." Optimus started.

"But the last fragment of the Allspark was stolen." Optimus continued.

"Like what? Like Decepticons stole it?" Sam asked.

"We placed it under human protection at your government's request, but i'm here for your help, Y/n and Sam. Because your leaders believe we brought vengeance upon your planet. Perhaps they are right. That is why they must be reminded by another human of the trust we share." Optimus said.

"And that's me? Optimus you know that this isn't Sam's or i hate to say this but my war." I took few steps closer to Optimus.

"Not yet... but i fear it soon will be. Your world must not share the same fate as Cybertron. Whole generations lost." Optimus said.

"I know, i know..." I mumbled.

"Nah, we're not some alien ambassador, you know? I'm a normal kid with normal problems. I am where i'm supposed to be. I'm sorry. I.... I really am." Sam said and he started to walk away.

"Sam, please come back." I stared at him.

"Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing." Optimus said.

"You're Optimus Prime. You don't need us."  Sam said.

I turned back to look Optimus.

"Optimus... I really do care about you and the others but... but these few days has been crazy and i really don't know what's happening to my hand." I said and i showed my hand to him and Optimus was staring my hand with confusion and i could swear that it was mixed with worry.

"Look, i'll think few days and i'll contact you somehow. I promise. Just don't quit yet. Just remember that i will always believe you." I said to him and i gave him a warm smile because i didn't want him to feel disappointment.

I walked back to Bee and i opened the passangers seat door but before i stepped in, i looked back to Optimus but he was already walking away.

Now i started feeling bad. How i really wanted to go back to military and back to Autobots but now when i had my chance, i lost it.

"Will you leave?" Sam asked.

"Did you know that sometimes you could think before you say things? And i said i'm thinking about it." I said while i put my seatbelt on.

"I'm sorry." Sam said.

"Don't be sorry to me. You should've said that to him." I said and i rubbed my hand.

After 10 minutes of driving and silence, Sam opened his mouth again.

"But do you wanna leave?" He asked.

"Sam..." I didn't want to answer him.

"No, i'm serious. Do you?" He asked again.

"Of course i do but... but it's complicated." I murmured.

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