Chapter 11

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Megatron and Starscreams appeared and Optimus was all alone.

I saw Starscream staring at me.

"Come here, girl." He said and he was coming towards me.

I kept Optimus on eye while i tried to run away.

I started to run down the hill and Starscream was coming closer.

Megatron was coming from the other side straight towards me.

"Oh, no..." I murmured and i tried to run faster but luckily Optimus stopped them.

Optimus fought all of them while i tried to hide.

Starscream was shooting everywhere and i jumped behind the fallen tree.

Optimus kicked Starscream away.

"There is another source of Energon hidden on this planet. The girl could lead us to it." Megatron said while fighting with Optimus.

"You're not taking her!" Optimus said with very low voice tone but Megatron kicked Optimus and he flew to the ground.

"Optimus!" I yelled out of my lungs.

Now they all attacked on Optimus together but still Optimus tried his best.
He tried to fight back but Megatron shoot him and Optimus flew far away.

I was so close to Optimus and i wanted to just run next to him.

"Is the future of our race not worth a single human life?" Megatron asked and he was walking towards us.

"Up! Optimus, get up!" I yelled to him.

"You'll never stop at one. I'll take you all on." Optimus stood up and he finally attacked.

I was behind the tree roots and i watched the situation.

Optimus cut Starscream servo off and then he killed Sideways.

"Piece of tin." Optimus said and he let Sideways to fall to the ground.

"Y/n! Where are you?" Optimus suddenly asked.

"I'm!..." I started but then i saw Megatron stabbed Optimus right through his chest.

"No!" Optimus yells.

"You're so weak." Megatron says.

I felt my throat burning and my heart was beating fast. I could feel tears gathering in my eyes.

I couldn't get any words from my mouth.

Then suddenly Megatron blew Optimus and he fell to the ground.

Everything felt like a slow motion and when i saw Optimus collapsin to the ground, the tears started to stream on my cheeks.

"No, no, no! Optimus! Get up!" I yelled while my eyes were burning.

Right in front of me and i couldn't do anything.

Optimus looked at me.

"Y/n, run. Run." Was his last words to me and then the lights in his optics shut down.

That was it... There's nothing anymore.

I felt on my knees and i couldn't believe it.

The pain i felt inside me was something i've never felt before

I looked back to Optimus and i tried to stood up. I started to run towards him but i was stumbling.

"Get up! No! Optimus! Please! You promised you wouldn't leave me!" I yelled to him and i was crying everything out and i felt like i couldn't breath anymore.

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