Chapter 19

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"I don't wanna be mean but Bee could you hurry up?" I asked nicely and Bee press the gas.

We were getting closer and Bee dropped us next to cliffs.

"I hope this is right place." I said while i stepped out from Bee's altmode.

The road was very tricky.

"It's gotta be around here somewhere." Simmons said behind me.

I stopped and i looked around the place and then Sam bumped into me.

"Sorry." He said.

There it was straight in front of us.

"You see that?" I asked and slight smile appeared on my face.

I started to walk towards it and i saw a doorway.

"You see the size of this? You see this? " Simmons asked.

"Spectacular." Skids said.

I started to run towards the doorway and i climbed there

"It has to be somewhere here." I said while looking around the chamber. 

"Yeah, why? 'Cause we're trusting Grandpa Blackbird who doesn't even know what planet he's on?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, tha's why." I murmured while searching some kind of clue.

"In his defense, this is the biggest doorway i've ever seen in my entire life." Simmons said while looking the doorway.

"Okay. Well, that's great. Let me do a quick search, all right? Nope. Ever cros your mind, guys, that archeologists have been here before? There's nothing here. " Leo said.

I was still trying to search and look the walls because this has to be the place.

"Real life is heartbreak, despair, kid. Sometimes you get to the end of the rainbow and the leprechauns went and booby-trapped it! " Simmons raised his voice to Leo.

"Sam, get up! Don't quit now!" I said to sam who was sitting on the ground.

"I'm listening to you? You live with your mother! " Leo said to Simmons.

I pinched my temples 'cause i was getting tired or Simmons and Leo.

"It's not over!" I said to Leo.

"It is over. It's done." Leo said back to me.

"Why are we still listening to you, punk-ass? I mean, what you ever done for us except ding my rim?" Mudflap asked.

"Killed Megatron. How about that?" Skids said.

"Well, she didn't get the job done, you know what i mean, 'cause he's back now..." Mudflap argued with Skids.

"Are you scared?" Skids asked from Mudflap.

"Scared? Scared of your ugly face." Mudflap said and pushed Skids.

"I'm ugly? Well, we're twins, you stupid genius." Skids said and attacked on Mudflap.

"Bring it, then." Mudflap said to Skids and they started to fight in the middle of the chamber.

Mudflap pushed Skids to the wall and the fighting continued.

"Guys! Hey!" Sam yelled to the twins.

"Shit!" I mumbled and i jumped out of the way 'cause the twins went crazy.

"Bee? Could you?" I asked from Bee and he nodded to me.

Bee walked next to the fighting twins and picked them up.

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