Chapter 12

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The night was getting dark. Sam and the others made fire in the yard and everyoen gathered there. Well i tried to pull it together and i went to sit with them because i kinda knew that it's not good to be alone.

Sam and Mikaela stood up and i knew i looked like i've cried the whole day.

I walked closer tho them and i went to hug Sam. I pushed my hand foward so that i could hold Mikaela's hand.

"There's nothing that you could've done." Mikaela said with soft voice tone.

I broke the hig between Sam and i. I also pulled my hand back.

"Wrong..." I murmured.

Sam and Mikaela was staring at me.

"If i just had my equipment and all my crap from the military, it could've helped him." I said and i looked all of them.

"You okay?" Sam asked from me.

"I don't know, Sam? Do i look like i'm okay? I just lost one of the most important soul to me. Who i cared the most and you're really asking if i'm fine?" I was being really rude.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that." Sam apologized.

I sighed and i know he didn't mean it.

"I know... I'm sorry. I'm being an ass." I pinched my nose bridge.

"Sorry everyone." I apologized this time.

There was silence and i decided to look at Bee and he looked sad too.

"Bee, if you hate me, i understand." I felt tears coming back to my eyes.

Be whirred sadly.

"I messed up. I'm sorry. It's all my fault." I murmured.

"Young woman, you're one of the person, i care in my life." Bee whirred.

"If there's anything you need, i won't be far away." Bee continued.

"Thanks bud, but he's dead because of me." I said while i was looking the fire.

"Because my brain and this arm... He came to protect me and he's dead." I said and i lifted my eyes back to Bee.

"There's some things you just can't change. So, his sacrifice for us would not have been in vain. Hallelujah!" Bee whirred.

"I'm gonna change everything. I'm going to turn myself in." I said and then i looked at Sam.

Sam was slightly smiling to me.

"We've got to stick together." bee whirre to us.

"That's right." I said.

Bee transformed back to his altmode.

"You're not going to do that." Mikaela said.

"I have to... I don't have a choice." I said.

I looked my arm and i was thinking what Megatron said.

Is it really metal? It looks like normal arm but the bones? Why would he lie? Does he ever lie? I don't think so...

"Everything we worked for will be wiped out in one day." Bee whirred.

Sam was staring at me and then he started to stare at the twins.

"You two..." Sam started.

"Huh?" Twins asked in sync.

"Hey, you know the glyphs? These? The symbols that have been rattling around y/n's head?" Sam asked and i wasn't quite sure what he was about to do but i stood up.

"That's old school, yo. That's, like... That's Cybertronian." Skids explained.

"That's some serious stuff, right there." Mudflap added.

"I'm not quite catching what you're thinking." I said to Sam.

"They gotta mean something, like a message or like a map. Like a map to an Energon Source." Sam continued.

"You're right! Twins! Can you read the Cybertronian?" I asked from them.

"Read? No. We don't really do much reading. Not so much." Mudflap said.

"If you can't read it, we fotta find somebody who can." Sam said.

"Optimus could... but Ironhide maybe?" I asked

"Bee?" I asked from him but he just whirred back.

"Look who came sashaying back." Skids said and pointed Leo.

"Hair growing a Chia pet. Look at him." Mudflap said next.

"I had a bit of a mild panick attack earlier, right?" Leo asked.

"That's 'cause you're a pussy." Mudflap said to Leo.

I started smiling because it was funny how the twins teased Leo.

"I think i'm allowed that, considering what i've been through." Leo started.

"That's okay, and i'm sorry 'cus i was such a jerk to you too." I said to him because he really didn't deserve any of this.

"I heard you have a problem." Leo continued.

"Yeah, we do." I said while i crossed my arms over my chest.

"I think i know someone who can help." Leo said.

"Who?" Sam asked.

"Robo-Warrior." Leo spitted.

"You got to be kidding me? Right?" I asked.

"I think we don't have a choice. We really need to try everything." Sam said to me.

"I think you're right... Let's go find this Robo man." I said.

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