Chapter 3

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I looked around me and i saw Bee.

"Bumblebee!" Sam yelled like he was dying.

"Get in the garage. Go!" Sam yelled to him.

"Sam?! He just saved you ass?" I asked from him.

Bee was whirring and he threw his servos tho the air out of frustration.

"What the freak just happened?" Judy issked from the back.

"I'm about to have a nervous breakdown." Sam complained.

I just looked Sam and Bee's fighting.

"Just go in the garage quietly, please." Sam asked from him.

"Holy mother!" Judy yelled.

Bee was clearly upset about what just happened and he went back to the garage.

Bee then looked and pointed the yard.

"Whatever." He whirred.

"Get in the garage now!" Sam said.

"You're being too mean..." I crossed my arms over my chest.

I heard the sirens and Ron and Judy was yelling and running around.

"Did they really call police?" I asked.

The firemen checked the house and i remebered the metal piece and i ran back to inside and tried to not be suspicious.

I walked to the kitchen and i finally found the metal piece and i put it inside my pocket and inside some glass pipe i found in my bag and don't ask me why it was in there because i don't know either.

I walked back outside and i saw Mikaela and Sam talking outside in the middle of the yard and i took my chance and i ran to the garage.

"Hey, Y/n!" I heard Mikaela greet me.

"Hey!" I yelled back but i didn't have time to chit chat right now.

"Bee!" I said.

"Bee was still upset but i walked closer to him.

I placed my hand on to his cheek plate and i looked at him.

"Sam's just really stressed but he didn't mean to yell at you. You did great!" I comforted him.

Bee whirred little more happier.

"Can you contact to Optimus through your radio?" I asked.

"Yes and no." He whirred.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

Bee was almost starting to his new sentence but i cut him off.

"Listen! I need to talk to Optimus, i found this metal piece in my shirt and i believe it's from the cube! I need to give this back to him!" I tried to explain as short as possible.

"You serious? Right?" I heard Sam behind me.

"Shit... You weren't supposed to heard that." I said.

"Well i did." He said.

"I'm sorry..." I apologizied.

"Just tell me." Sam said.

I showed him the piece of the Cube.

"So i found this in my shirt and i'm sure it's from the Cube 'cus it woke the whole kitchen alive! Look what it did to my hand..." Next i showed hand to him and there was still a mark from the burn but it was also different

It wasn't this large when i got it.

"Did you try to call Lennox?" Sam asked.

"Never." I murmured.

"But what if" i asked form Sam and i looked at Mikaela.

"Mikaela!" I yelled and i run outside to next at her.

"Take this! Put it in you purse and lock it somewhere! And if it's possible just give it back to me when we meet next time." I whispered to Mikaela.

"What's going on?" Mikaela asked.

"Please." I said and i put it inside the purse myself.

"Y/n? A word?" Judy asked.

"Sure." I said and looked at Mikaela.

"When you go, he goes." Jusy started.

"What? Who?" I asked.

"I cannot live with a psychotic alien in my garage." Jusy raised her voice.

"But it's not my car? I... sorry." I said and walked back to the garage.

I lifted the tarpaulin up and Sam and Mikaela was already there with Bee.

Bee was hitting himself.

"They want that you take Bee with you." I said to Sam.

"Yeah, you know you're in trouble." Sam said to Bee.

"Sam, could you stop?" I asked.

"He still having voice problems?" Mikaela asked.

Bee whirred.

"He's playing it up." Sam said.

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Bee, i want to talk to you about the college thing, okay?" Sam started.

"I'm so excited and i just can't hide it." Bee started to playi through his radio and he started to dance.

"Hey, i'm not taking you with me." Sam said.

"But why?" I asked fight after.

Bee whirred sadly.

"I'm gonna wait outside, okay?" Mikaela said and she left but i stayed.

"I meant to tell you about this earlier. It's just that, you know... Here's the thing. Freshmen aren't allowed to have cars. I know, and if it was up to me, i'd take you with me, but it's not, Bee." Sam said.

"Wait? Freshmen?" I asked.

"Look. You're an Autobot. You shouldn't be living in my dad's garage. I mean, you're suffocating in here. You deserve better than this." Sam said and Bee whirred sadly again.

"This is hard enough, man. Don'y make it harder." Sam said and Bee was lowering his gaze.

"Can you just look at me, please?" Sam asked.

"Come on, big guy. Look, the guardian thing is done. Olay? You did your job. Look, i'm safe now. You need to go be with Optimus Prime and the others. I just want to be normal, Bee. That's why i'm going to college, and i can't do that with you." Sam said and now the moment was getting too emotional so i was thinking about leaving and when i heard Bee sobbing it was the most saddest sound ever.

"Yeah, they made me to go college and didn't have options..." I murmured

Sam looked at me and shook his head.

Bee started to cry now.

"It's not the last time i'm gonna see you, you know, Bee." Sam said.

"Bee, please don't cry." I said because i felt like crying too.

"But you'll always be my first car." Sam said to Bee and he left from the garage.

I stayed there and i looked at him.

"You can always come to with me and the others if you want." I said but Bee didn't answer.

There was quiet moment between me and Bee but then i remebered our last conversation and about Bee and cars.

"I have an idea... but you can't tell Sam." I said and i started to explain the idea to Bee.

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