Chapter One

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Desires was the new club that opened up in our city a few months ago. My roommate Vanessa claimed it was the hottest new club to open up and that it was ridiculously hard to get in. Which proved correct when our taxi driver dropped us off, and I saw the line wrap around the club.

New York City was already insane and packed with traffic that had you swearing and wanting to throttle the driver, but getting to this club was an hour away and an hour away in NYC-talk was two and a half. After getting dressed, which took longer than usual since Vanessa got ready while listening to her get-lit playlist.

We did a couple of shots and danced out of our apartment and down to where the driver was waiting for us. I met Vanessa on the first day of orientation, and we both hated the dorming situation, so we blindly trusted each other to rent out an apartment together.

We found one that wasn't too far from SJU, and after splitting and paying for the deposit, we lucked out with a perfect, cozy two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment with a nice view of the city. Vanessa was studying criminal justice while I was there on a baseball scholarship.

I've been playing since I could walk and was able to hold a baseball bat. My parents quickly saw some passion and a prodigy in me as they shoved me into every athletics program they could get their hands on.

They meant well; I was their only child, and they tried as hard as possible to give me a perfect life. I enjoyed the game, was pretty fucking good at it, too, and it paid off well during middle and high school, and now college.

I didn't mind the extra practice, the harsh and unyielding coach we had that pushed us, because in the end, when we won yet another game, it just boosted our confidence and made us feel fucking invincible.

I took a few other general education classes but didn't have a backup since I wanted to play baseball professionally. My parents were proud, but my father was cautious about me refusing to have a backup plan and said that life always works out in ways we never wanted it to.

I guess I was arrogant, that I had won too many games, acquired too many medals and awards, to think about myself as a loser who couldn't be a pro-athlete.

"Levi," Vanessa elbowed my shoulder. "There's the guy that told me about this club." She pointed to a man in a black and white suit, pressed to perfection, with a black tie.

He was talking on the phone, and before he could pass us, Vanessa ducked under the tape and approached him. It was loud, and I couldn't see what she was saying, but she managed to disarm the fucker in a minute and ushered me to follow her as she hooked her hand in his.

He led us to the front, and the massive bouncer at the door gave him a curt nod, and then the three of us walked in. Vanessa's gorgeous; I mean, she had the whole package. A peach ass, nice round tits, and a body made for fucking and loving.

She had siren, daring chocolate brown eyes, with deep wavy black hair that she left curled lazily. If it wasn't her smile that let us in, it must have been the plunging, daring red dress with those laced-up black heels.

As attractive as she was, as we both were, we never did anything. We were too close and loved and cared about our friendship to ruin it. Plus, Vanessa didn't do relationships.

Just mindless hook-ups since she cared too much about her education to get her brain fuzzy and fucked over a man.

"This is a sex club?" I hissed loudly in her ear when I saw the naked women hanging and twirling around chandeliers that hung halfway from the ceiling.

The club itself was incredibly suave and gave off the most seducing vibes. It was how the darkness of the entire club played out well with the leather and slick red carpets.

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