Chapter Seventeen

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"I missed you."

I jumped into his arms once I saw him. I didn't even say hello or hi. I missed him too much. He let me hug him, wrapping his arms around me, as he pressed me to his chest.

He smelled amazing, and I took a silent whiff and closed my eyes as I inhaled his heady scent. He was in black slacks and a white button-up shirt, and I don't think I've ever seen him so attractive.

I ran my hands over his back and arms and pulled away to kiss him. I thought he'd have a remark, but he let me kiss him and held my face with his hands as he cut it short.

"I missed you, too. You look very handsome. Ready to go?" He asked. "Wait, babe, where's your overnight bag?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, shit. It's in my room. I just got so excited when the doorbell rang that I ran to see you. Give me a minute."

I ran back to my room, grabbed my duffel black bag, and walked out. I closed the door, locked it since Vanessa was out with Graham, and then we were walking to his car. Once we were inside, I felt his hand reach over and grab mine.

"Are you sure you're not tired from traveling back and forth? I don't mind if we go home and hang out." I said, and he brought our joined hands up to his mouth. He kissed my knuckles.

"I'm sure. I'm fine. Did you have a good day today?"

"It was okay," I mumbled. "It's better now. Vanessa ditched me for your stupid friend."

"Graham is obsessed with her." He said. "I mean, it's crazy despite him wanting to collar her."

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you about that. She tried to explain it to me, but it's not really clicking. What does the whole collar necklace thing even mean?"

"It's just another way of a Dom to exert his dominance and control over a submissive. When you collar a submissive, it's letting people know that they're your property, that they belong to a Dom."

I nodded my head in understanding. "Have you ever done that with a submissive?"

"No, I haven't. It's not really my thing. I've had submissives ask me to, but I'm uncomfortable with it." He answered and I gave him a weird look. "It just feels too binding. Even though there are temporary and permanent types, I just choose not to indulge in it."

"I thought you'd be into it. You're a caveman with how possessive you are." I grumbled.

"It's natural for a Dom to be possessive and controlling. We're not the type to just not care, especially since you're in our care."

"I'm pretty sure you just made the whole topic even more confusing. I'll just look it up when I get a chance. It seems like all I do lately is search up D/s relationships.

Someone needs to delete my search history if I ever die, 'cause when you search up gay D/s relationships half the results are hardcore gay porn, and I swear I'm too scared to watch them."

That earned a throaty laugh from the man next to me. "The way your mind works is insane." He said. "I swear you went from one thing to another and ended on that note."

"I don't know. You're easy to talk to." I said and he gave me a goofy grin. "What?"

"After we hung up last night, do you know what's the first thing I thought of? He's so easy to talk to. Crazy."

"Maybe it's like a D/s connection, like telepathy."

"That...that's not even a thing."

"You're saying you can't read my mind as my Dom?" I asked in feign horror.

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