Chapter Sixteen

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I didn't know if I hated New Jersey or if I hated being far from Levi. I think I just hated New Jersey because it kept me away from Levi. The meetings were nonstop, and even though they kept me busy, way too busy, they needed to be done.

I wanted to break ground in New Jersey before summer vacation. I wanted it to be open so more people could use it when everyone was off. I sat down with a few architects that they sent my way, and after much deliberation about the style that I wanted, we were finally able to conclude.

I wanted it to give off the same vibes all of my clubs did—dark colors, no loud music or lights, and a vibe that's soothing and seducing simultaneously.

We sat and spoke about my vision then I sat with a few other clients that wanted to invest in the club. I wasn't taking any investors right now, which I told them, but I did take their business cards for the future.

It's been a week, and my work and sleep schedule wasn't mixing well with Levi's. Even though we were in the same time zone, our schedules clashed. He's been studying, practicing, working out, and getting some tutoring lessons along with group projects that had his full attention.

I had never-ending meetings, Skype and in person, and dealt with too many accountants and architects. I was exhausted. I reached my hotel at the end of the day, too tired to do anything.

We spoke on the phone and sent text messages throughout the day, though spaced out, but we weren't in control of our schedules.

I mean, phone sex was still sex, and I missed him. The photos he sent me every morning weren't enough to get the job done, and I needed to hear his voice, needed to use that toy on him, and pretend it was me that was fucking him from over here.

Sometimes I'd ask him to send me videos of himself using the toy or to send me a voice note of how he sounded when he came. It worked as a temporary fix, and I missed him. I couldn't wait to wrap up these last few days so I could be home.

He messaged me on my way back to the hotel, eager for our late phone call, and as cheesy and cliché as it was, I more than enjoyed the phone calls that we had every night as we spoke about whatever was on our minds.

I was home earlier than usual and had a cup of Whiskey because I had a hankering for it and was waiting for Levi to come home so we could talk. I was lying down shirtless and sent him a photo of my face and chest to tell him to hurry up, and he quickly responded.

'God, I miss you. Give me two minutes.'

I felt like a child as I read his message. Two minutes later, my phone rang, and I picked up immediately.

"You look so handsome in your hotel room."

"I wish you were here with me."

"I should have left with you. School is knocking me the fuck out. Guess what? I have good news."

"What is it?"

"Remember how I had a C- in psychology? I fucking got it up to a B+, and I'm so proud. Those afterschool tutoring lessons are coming in well. I mean, it's not an A, but I'm getting there. I swear."

"I'm proud of you. That's really good, Levi. Good job, baby."

"I have more good news."

"Tell me."

"I'm back in. Coach told me before I got home. They removed my suspension. Supposedly, Coach's husband, Gabe, went to the board, made a whole fit about bullying, and threatened to sue. Now, I'm fucking back in. Can you believe it? I actually missed playing."

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