Chapter Twelve

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"I didn't want to talk over the phone," I said, once Levi opened his front door. "I thought maybe face to face would be better. Also, I brought dinner." I flashed the bags, and he flashed me his dimples as he ushered me in.

"I was going to call you and tell you to come over." He said, closing the door and following me to the kitchen. "How was your day?" He asked.

"It was good, a bit busy, but I missed you." I cradled his face. "I really missed you." I pecked his lips. "Let's eat."

Stunned that I wasn't going to kiss him better than that, he sat down with a pout. I pulled out the tacos, burritos, chips, and guac that I bought on my way here and we began to eat.

"I'm starving," He said, attacking another burrito. "Practice was a bitch. My workout was bitchier. I was just about to order some pizza."

"Is Vanessa home?" I asked, reaching for a chip.

"No, she left with Graham a while ago to buy something sweet."

We finished eating and I watched him toss everything away, wipe down the counter, then hand me a soda. He grabbed one for himself as well and we went to sit on the couch.

"Thank you for dinner."

"You're welcome." I set my soda down. "I can't stay late; I have a meeting in a few hours. Let's discuss everything, that way there are no surprises tomorrow."

"All right. Shoot." He finished his drink and laid back down next to me. His hands went over the sofa as he leaned back.

"What are your safe words?" I asked.

"Red means stop, yellow means pause, and green means I'm good to go." He answered.

"Good. What do you address me as in the room?"


"How do I want you waiting for me in the room?" I asked.

"Naked. On the ground kneeling with my knees bent and my hands on my thighs, my palms facing upward."

I ran my fingers across his stubble. "Shave it for me, tomorrow."


"If you disobey me, what are the punishments we agreed on in this scene?"

He swallowed, sitting straighter as he looked at me. "Orgasm denial, ice-play, choking, and light spanking."

"And tell me what you mean by orgasm denial?"

"It means you won't let me cum."

"Good. The scene itself, let's discuss it. What are we doing tomorrow?"

I saw him lick his lips, and his eyes darkened. "You're going to use a toy on me."

"What kind of toy, baby, be specific?"

"A sex toy." He said and I gave him a stern look. "You want the full name of it?" He mumbled timidly. "Fine, you're going to use a vibrating butt plug."

"Over the next scenes we act out together I'm going to prep you, stretch you, get you ready and good for me. I don't know how long I'll last because I want to fuck you so badly. You have no idea how badly I fucking want you.

I'll be patient, baby, and I'll be gentle as I prep your ass for me. But once I get you stretched and ready for me...fuck, nothing will hold me back from fucking you."

I wrapped a hand around his throat, and he came to me without my help.

"Your ass will know one thing. My cock." I rasped. "So pretty when he looks at Sir like this like he needs Sir to fuck him right now." I leaned down and licked his lips. "Soon." I released his throat. "List what you don't want me to do during the scene."

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