Chapter Eleven

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"I can't, Tuesday," I held the phone between my shoulder and ear as I tugged my backpack over my back. "I have a study group to attend in the library on campus. It's going to run late since we're going over the first ten chapters together."

"Wednesday?" He asked.

"I have baseball practice in the morning, and then at night, Coach wants the team to go for a run together."

"Baby," He exasperated. "How about you tell me when you're free?"

"Saturday or Sunday is good."

I walked down the street and reached for my headphones, and used the Bluetooth part of my phone so I didn't have to keep holding it while I walked to campus.

"I can't this weekend," Emory said. "I told you about the meeting I have in New Jersey. I'm trying to expand Desires."

I had forgotten about that. "So next week?" I groaned, rubbing my face as I crossed the street. "I'm exhausted, and I miss you."

"I know, baby. I miss you too."

"I can sneak out of the group run on Wednesday and come see you," I suggested.

"Will you get in trouble?"

I shrugged my shoulders carelessly. "Coach will bitch for a bit, but it's fine. I'm an amazing player, he can't get too mad at me."

"Wednesday it is. I'll call you Tuesday night, be home, so we can discuss the rules. God, I really fucking can't wait." He let out a low sound. "I'm missing your mouth."

"Just my mouth?" I teased.

"Don't get mouthy, little boy." He chuckled. "Where are you now?"

"Walking to school. Where are you?"

"Still in bed. I can't seem to find the energy to get out of it. I don't have anything to look forward to."

"Expanding seems crazy. Just how many other clubs do you have?"

"There's one in LA, one in Chicago, the one I opened up in NYC, and now New Jersey, and I want to see if I can open in Spain, Italy, and even Japan. I want the idea to reach Europe and Asia." He said.

"A man with a dream. Did you always want to open a club like this?"

"Yeah, I did. I had the name and idea picked out when I was twenty."

"It's insane to think you're doing what you've always dreamed of doing."

"If you didn't play baseball, what do you think your dream would be?" He asked.

"My mind's blank." I sighed. "I don't even know what I'm good at."

"How about you tell me what you like? Favorite subjects? Your strong points?"

"I'm great at English, doing pretty well in my Psych class, and I don't know if I have any strong points outside of baseball. I'm athletic and work out only because I have to for baseball. If I didn't play baseball or have to worry about games and practice, I don't think I'd work out." I explained. "It's stupid."

"It's not stupid, Levi. Have you ever taken those online tests to see what major you should be in? It asks you questions about your interests, likes, dislikes, and general questions and helps you choose what to major in?"

"No, I didn't even know those existed."

I could hear his phone beeping, indicating that someone was calling him. "Goddamn it, what now?" I heard him mutter. "Listen, I got to take this call. I'll send you the link. Have a good day at school."

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