Chapter Eight

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I ran my fingers through his hair gently before placing his head on the end of the couch. I grabbed the throw blanket on the end of the sofa and covered him with it. I reached for my phone and called Graham.

"Are you in the club?"

"I am. Why?"

"Come to the office. Bring your girl with you."

I didn't wait for him to say anything. I hung up and tossed the phone on my desk. I ran my fingers through my hair as my eyes went over to the man on the couch, passed out drunk.

He was snoring, and I intently watched how adorable he looked while he slept. The door swung open, and the girl with him turned to the couch and went over to kneel by it. She ran her fingers across his face, but he didn't stir. He stayed asleep.

"He called me when he was outside. Drunk. Didn't have money for the cab." I explained. "He passed out on the couch, and I just wanted to let you know."

"Vanessa," She said as she got up and came back to Graham. "You're Emory, right?"

I nodded. She looked me up then down. "Levi's right. You're very handsome." She let out a squeak, and I saw Graham had hit her ass. "I'm just relaying a fact."

"Did he say anything?" Graham asked.

"He did, but I don't think he likes that I talk to you about certain things, so I'm going to keep this between us."

He nodded. "He seemed upset about that fact. He thinks you tell me everything."

"I don't. I'll speak to him once he's awake and sober." I sighed. "I don't know if I should leave him here to take him back to your place. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable."

"Maybe you can carry him back to Graham's car? It's parked in the back." She offered. "If you don't mind, of course."

"I don't."

They left to get the car ready, and I went over to him. "Oh, Levi," I whispered. "You're not a coward, baby."

I kissed the top of his head and then picked him up in my arms effortlessly, and walked out. I went down the hall and down the back entrance. Graham's car was out front, and the back door was open.

I bent down, and it was uncomfortable, but I was able to get inside with Levi still in my arms. I felt his hands wrap around my neck and his warm breath hit my neck as his snores continued, then I closed the door.

Graham drove out of the parking lot, and I saw him and Vanessa talking amongst themselves; his fingers were knotted with hers, and I grinned at the possessive fuck who couldn't leave the poor girl alone for a minute.

They lived far, more than an hour away and traffic was a fucking bitch. I could feel Levi stirring in my arms, and when I looked down, his eyes were still closed, his lips still parted, and I yearned to kiss him.

"We're right over there."

She told me once we were out of the car. She walked ahead of us and to the apartment on the bottom level. She unlocked the door and ushered us in.

"His room is right here."

She kept walking and opened the bedroom door for me. She left, and I went and placed him on his bed gently. I took his shoes off and left them in the corner of the room, then covered him up with the blanket.

I brushed my fingers over his forehead and wished I could take this struggle away from him so he wouldn't have to go through it. I couldn't. He needed to fight for it, to fight for himself, to find himself and be free of this whole conflict.

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