Chapter Thirteen

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The room Emory had reserved for us was as seductive and dominating as him. There was a king-sized bed against the wall, with metal hoops on each side of the bed. Against the dark red walls was an extensive collection of toys, whips, and ropes.

It was darkly lit, with no windows, and the screen people could watch from had its curtains closed. The room was spacious, with soft music from the stereos up in the corners of the walls.

The ceiling was some dark romance painting with a chandelier hanging from the wall, with only a few bulbs working. The golden color of the lights added to the mysterious and seducing aura the room was giving off.

There were other things in this room that I'd never seen before, other sex things that I'd never witnessed or tried. My eyes wandered around as I sat down like he wanted me to.

Naked, on the ground, hands up on my thighs and anticipating. This was our first scene, and I was anxious, nervous, and already hard from all the waiting. He told me to be here at seven, and I've been waiting for I don't know how long.

There wasn't a clock here, but I knew it was past seven. The door finally swung open, and I watched Emory walk in wearing jeans and a black tee shirt. He kicked his shoes off by the door, setting them down nicely, before closing the door.

I straightened my back when he entered, and he came to stand behind me. I felt his hand on my cheek, then up my hair.

"Good." He praised. "So pretty as he waits for me." I keened against his touch, but he quickly removed his hand and walked away. "Eyes on the ground, little boy."

My head dropped without a second word, and I focused on the wooden flooring that seemed so clean that they were shining. I could hear his footsteps padding on the ground, but I wasn't allowed to look up.

I felt him before he came behind me, and I shuddered as he ran something down my back. It was soft, but it wasn't cotton. It felt lighter. He came from around and stood in front of me.

"Eyes on me." I looked up and saw him run a silk tie through his fingers. "Do you know what this is?" I nodded. "Good. I'm going to blindfold you with it." We hadn't spoken about this, and I wonder if he was doing this to test me. "What are your safe words?"

"Red for stop. Green for go. Yellow for pause."

"Good. Stand up."

I stood up and saw his eyes skirt over my body greedily, and I felt prideful that he saw me as attractive and admired my body just like how I admired his. He licked his lips, and I saw his eyes linger at the junction between my legs.

I thought he'd reach out and touch me, stroke me, maybe even kiss me, but nothing. He did nothing. He walked over to the wall beside the bed. There was some large red leather X-cross, with holes and cuffs on each point.

"Before I cuff you there, I'm going to blindfold you."

He came from behind me, and I felt every single touch of his fingers as they came up and placed the tie over my eyes, enclosing me in the dark as he tied it.

"Good?" He whispered in my ear, and I shuddered.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Stay." He said, and then I felt his warm, and hard embrace leave me.

I stood there without knowing what was happening, with a blindfold over my eyes and naked, and yet I was so hard it hurt. My cock jerked and twitched as it thought about what he would do to me.

I've never felt so needy, so apprehensive before anything sexual, and I knew every experience with Emory would be like this.

Where the anticipation would get me hard knowing he'd take good care of me, and even though it was relatively new, he'd never harm me. I heard his footsteps coming back to me, my ears perking up since I couldn't see anything.

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