Chapter Twenty-Four

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I released his hair and took a step back from him. "Will you stand up for me?" He stood up. "Hands behind your back." He obeyed.

I stood in front of him and began kissing his chest. I took my time kissing him, sucking all over his nipples before kissing them as well. I ran my hands over his chest, back, and even over his ass.

I was taking my time, kissing him, memorizing every hard plane of his chest and stomach. He was panting already, and I haven't even done anything yet. He was a bit taller than me, but I was able to kiss over and all around his neck as well.

My lips branded every inch of his flesh and then I walked back to the variety of toys, leaving him there panting and waiting. I didn't know much about every toy there was, but I did know what a few of them were since he's used them on me.

I reached for one and grabbed the remote it came with, along with some lube that was stocked on the shelf then went back to him.

"Emory," His eyes met mine then fell down to the toy in my hand. "I want to use this on you."

"Yes, okay." He nodded. "Do you know how to use it?"

"I do." I nodded. "Will you bend over for me? Hands up on the wall above your head and let me see how you look when you're bent over for me."

He let out a low groan at my command, at my voice, and obeyed instantly. I ran my fingers down his spine and skimmed over his skin and asscheeks. He was a sight to behold, the sexiest and most handsome alive bent over, and submitting to me.

I grabbed some lube and squirted some on my fingers and bent down to kiss the area above his ass while my fingers inched up to his asshole. I traced the asshole with my wet fingers, and he shuddered against me.

"Sssh," I murmured. "Let me enjoy this."

I eased the tip of my ring finger inside and he was ever so welcoming and tight, but he didn't even tense up as I pushed it the rest of the way in. He groaned and I bit back a sound as I eased in another finger slowly inside.

Two fingers pushed in and out of his asshole and he writhed and groaned beneath me. He was panting, his hips bucking, his cock jerking as I finger fucked him.

"Emory, how do my fingers feel?"

"So fucking good." He grunted. "Fuck, so fucking good. I missed you."

"I missed you, too, baby. So much."

I pulled out only to push the tip of the toy inside his ass. It was a prostate massager and once it filled him up, I turned it on the lowest setting.

The low vibrating hum of the toy filled the room and I felt him shake beneath me. I kissed his back a few times then pulled away, leaving the toy inside.

"Turn around."

His back hit the wall and then I was kneeling before him. My hand reached out and I wrapped it around his stiff cock. He let out a low sound of pleasure. The remote stayed in my other hand as I stroked and pumped his length.

I guided the tip to my mouth and began sucking on it slowly while alternating the speed of the toy. It only had four levels, so I only played with the first two.

He was groaning above me, his eyes closed tight, his hands forming fists at his sides, as my mouth grew ravenous for a better taste. Widening my mouth, I swallowed his entire length and once the tip hit the back of my throat, I put it on level four.

He was screaming, bucking erratically, sweating, and cursing, as I bobbed my head up and down his aching and pulsing cock.

To be in such power was making me drunk, almost high in the clouds as I pleasured him at my own pace. I kept moving my head up and down, stilling every now and then to change the speed of the toy.

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