Chapter Four

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'We'll be there in an hour, traffics fucking insane.' Graham texted me this message an hour ago, and they still weren't even here.

I've been waiting fucking impatiently in the server room as I stared at the screens in front of me for any sign of Levi. I was surprised when Graham called me and told me they wanted to come back.

He didn't give me a reason or any other information. He said Vanessa and Levi wanted to come back and check it out, and here I was sitting on pins and needles until they arrived.

Twenty minutes later, Graham's stupid head poked through the entrance holding her hand as he put the blue bracelet on. I snorted at how possessive he was being—banging for the week, my ass.

My eyes trailed over to Levi, who was putting his yellow bracelet on, his eyes roaming around, and I stepped out of the security room and headed to the bar. I wanted to be there before him. I wanted to see if he'd come to me.

Harry, the bartender, saw me, poured my drink, and set it in front of me. I thanked him with a nod and took an anxious sip as I tried to stay calm and collected for and if when he came. It felt weird being so excited and nervous for someone I'd kissed once.

I could have anyone I wanted, fuck anyone I wanted, and it was easy too. I was dominant, and it wasn't only sexual, but it was in my nature to be demanding, controlling, and possessive over my Subs.

Levi had become the center of my attention since we kissed that night, and he's all I've been thinking about. I wonder if it was the same for him. Did he think about me? Did he go home and touch himself to how I kissed him? Was he still conflicted?

I didn't do anything without consent, and I'd never get near him unless he was almost begging me to. I had a feeling deep in my gut that he probably was still conflicted because things like this took time for some people to wrap their minds around.

It's not like a switch that you turn on and off whenever you please. I've been with closeted men who only preferred that we did anything in private, and I've been with men who craved to submit to me.

It was like a coin toss; you never know what you'll get until it lands. For some people, their sexual preferences ranged while others were too specific. It closed them off and made them more confused because things that shouldn't turn them on did, and it made them angry with themselves.

Some of my past submissives liked to be hit, spanked, fucked, while others were too scared to admit how good it felt, so they'd hold it back until they finally gave up and left.

"Gin and tonic, please."

I could recognize his voice from anywhere. He sat down next to me, and Harry prepared his drink for him and made it for him quickly.

I wasn't going to look at him and see how handsome he looked because I wanted him to make the first move. I'd give him until his first drink was done, and then I'd walk away.

"I never got your name." He said, surprising me as he spoke.

I didn't turn to face him. "Emory. Emory Banks." I said and took another sip.

"Are you mad because of last time? Is that why you're not looking at me?"

The utter submissiveness in his tone and question had me whipping my head to see him. God. He was handsome and beautiful, too. I noticed his hair was shorter right away, and he had shaved his stubbly beard, adding to that pretty boy persona he had.

He was dressed up, more than last time, in a tight white shirt that was almost see-through, and I could smell his cologne off him. It was smoky and fragrant, and I wondered if he had dressed up for me.

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