Chapter Twenty-Two

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When security told me there was someone asking for me at the door, I never thought in my life it would be Levi. It felt like a dream when they gave me his name and I told them to escort him to my office.

I was nervous, and sweating, and thanked God I went home, showered, and looked decent enough. Vanessa hasn't contacted me since she stopped by last time and I've been anxious and tired as I waited for a sign.

I never thought he'd come back to the club, but then again I didn't know why he was even coming back. I was pacing around the office as I waited to hear the sweet sound of someone knocking on my door.

It swung open before I could, and I saw him thank the men before walking in and closing it after.

He stood there, his eyes not reaching mine as he looked around the office, his eyes going to the couch where our fight broke out. I swallowed, my eyes not holding back as they breathed him in. Every inch.

I took my time and felt high as I took in those cerulean blue eyes that resembled priceless gems, shaggy blonde hair that was longer than usual along with his beard that I saw he had grown out.

I wonder if he refused to shave it because he was used to me telling him to or because he was too upset to care about how he looked. He was in beige cargo pants, sneakers, and a black-sleeved shirt.

He didn't look nervous if anything he looked better than me. His confidence had me shaking and gripping the edge of the desk as I leaned against it, needing something to anchor me with.

"How are you doing?" He asked, his eyes finally meeting mine, but they were so dull and lacking any emotion that I felt anxious and a little irate.

Really fucking shitty. "Shitty."

"Yeah," He mumbled, giving me a curt nod. He leaned against the wall, keeping his distance from me. "The school knows I'm gay. Well, more importantly, my teammates do."

"Did you tell them?"

"No, Turner comes to your club. He took a photo of us and tried to make a joke of it by posting the picture in the locker room."


"And I put the fucker and everyone else in their place and told him my boyfriend owned the club and I didn't think he'd mind seeing what and who he did when he came to the club. Had the fucker shutting up real quick." He had an amused smirk on his face, like how he looked when he hit a home run. "So, that's that."

"Were you upset that it came out?"

"No, I thought I would be, but I wasn't in the mood to be upset over another thing. I was already in a shitty mood because of our fight." He admitted. "Why should I care about some little shit who only knows one gay slur?"

Good job, baby. I'm so fucking proud of you. "That's good."

"You were the first person I wanted to call when it happened. Goddamn it." He swore. "I was so fucking proud of myself, so fucking happy, and I wanted to call you.

To let you know that I found my confidence, hear your praise, and hear you tell me how happy you are with me. I couldn't even call you because you fucking broke my heart."

"Levi," My heart cried out as I saw his cool exterior break and his chin tremble. "Fuck. I fucked up. I know. I fucking know this.

The excuse I've thought about giving you for weeks is shit and I'm not even going to try with it. I fucked up, baby, I know, and I can't take it back."

"I hate him. I hate how he left you, how he broke your heart, and how he comes back in your life for one fucking goddamn minute and you're thinking about him like that. Why'd you do that? Why'd you say his name?"

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