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"A date?" I repeated confused.

"Well, technically it's a double date since Graham and Vanessa are coming with us." He clarified and I eyed him weirdly.

"I'm confused. Why are we going on a date?"

"Because you're my boyfriend and we haven't gone on one yet. Babe, you're making me nervous. Do you not want to go out with me?"

I shook my head and gave him a smile. "You're crazy. Don't say stupid shit like that. I'm just confused if it was your idea or Vanessa's because it's my birthday next week and I told that little shit I didn't want to do anything."

"It's your birthday next week?" He asked and I was curious if he was being serious or lying about it. "You didn't tell me."

"I'm not ten years old. I'm turning twenty-four. I'm too old for birthdays."

"Baby, it's just dinner and drinks."

"Fine," I sighed, giving in. "I guess we can do out for dinner and drinks. Do we have to take Vanessa and Graham with us?" I asked. "They're so annoying. They'll bicker the whole time."

"That's their dynamic. They're in love, leave 'em alone." He said sitting up. "We bicker sometimes."

"Not as much as them," I grumbled. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Are you leaving now?" I asked once he got out of bed.

"Yeah, baby, I left the office without telling anyone because you sent me that photo and got me too hard to focus. I told you not to tease me like that." I saw his eyes roam over my very red ass. "You deserve it."

"I did. It doesn't even hurt." I shrugged but couldn't even get up to walk him out. I was way too sore. "I have exams all week. I needed to let out my frustrations."

I watched him put his clothes on and fix his hair and suit. "Good luck. Study hard. Be good. No Redbull." He reminded me and leaned over to kiss me again. "See you next week. I'll call you."

"How about we renegotiate? I can have one Red-" I tried.

"No," He cut me off. 

"What if I let you-"

He cut him off again with a stern glare. "Nope. Nothing is going to work so keep quiet. No Redbull. I'll know if you disobeyed me. So be a good boy until I see you again."

"I'll try," I said. "I love you," I ushered him over for another kiss and he kissed me softly.

"I love you, too. Take care, baby. Be good, please. Let your ass heal." He said with a chuckle. I flipped him off as he left my room, leaving me satisfied, sore, and happy.

Exam week was horrible and kicked my ass every chance it got. I was running on no sleep and no energy. The stupid one coffee a day rule not doing jack shit, and I was too tired to rebel against it.

I studied night and day, barely even seeing any of my teammates or Vanessa as I spent most of my time in the library or with study groups. I saw Vanessa in passing since she was also busy with her own exams and assignments.

It sucked because I missed having free time, but it was nice keeping myself busy and studying because I needed to ace these exams to stay in baseball. Baseball practice has been during school hours since everyone was busy and Coach Grand didn't want to overwork us, but even those two hours were tiring.

My last exam was today, and I hadn't slept all night choosing to stay up and study and even do practice tests online that the professor had posted on the site.

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