Chapter Ten

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"Okay, I did as much research as I could. Most links were just gay porn." Levi said, pulling out his notebook and sitting next to me on the couch.

He was in jeans and a tee shirt with sneakers. He seemed to have dressed comfortably to feel comfortable. It was obvious not only in his clothing but in his presence. He was comfortable here with me.

"It had me thinking, actually when you get off, do you watch porn?" He asked, grabbing his pen.

"No, I don't watch porn. Not since I was a teenager."

"Which leads to my second question. How old are you?"


"You don't mind that I'm younger than you?" He asked, clicking his pen repeatedly.

A nervous tactic. I placed my hand over his hand, and he stopped.

"I don't mind."

"Okay, I made three lists. My first list are things I wouldn't mind doing or accepting if that makes sense, my second list is my hard limits, and my third are things I'd like to try, but they require more conversation." He spoke, and I nodded my head.

"Levi, take a breath. There's no rush, we're just speaking." I said, and he let out a shaky breath.

"I don't know why you make me so nervous." He mumbled. "Okay, I know that there are more than ways to address the Dom, but what do you like?"

"I like Sir and Daddy. Depends on who I'm with. Girls usually prefer the latter."

"Sir sounds...nice. Does the Daddy play get you off?" He asked.

"It does. I can tell by the look in your eyes you're terrified. Pleasure is not a one-way street. What works for me might not work for you. That's why we're here. This dynamic isn't me taking over your will and consent.

It's a power dynamic, like an exchange of pleasure. That's why we build trust between us because, without it, any scene we play out won't be pleasurable. You'll be too in your head about everything."

"I want to get out of my head. When I'm with you...I don't think about any of those negative or conflicting thoughts. When I'm with you, they're not there, and I'm focused on you." He clarified. "What are your top punishments?"

"It varies, of course. Forced orgasm, orgasm denial, spanking, tying, and restricting, and if they're into the whole degrading aspect I'd make them eat off the floor or humiliate them further. Each person is different. Tell me what your hard limits are, and then we'll agree on your punishments."

"No wax play, golden showers, nothing humiliating. I don't think I'd like that at all. I read this thing called cuckolding. It's when you, the Dom-"

"I know what it is. That is more advanced. You're a beginner. We're taking baby steps."

"Have you done it?"

"Yes, but with consent from both sides, of course. Is that your hard limit?"

"I don't think I'd like to see you be intimate with someone else. I don't know. I'm not a jealous person but for you to use it as a punishment seems cruel."

"Let me give you a scenario," I said. "Let's say I have you blindfolded and tied up. Keep in mind, this is a scene we spoke about beforehand, we have a safe word, and I have your full consent."

I added, and he nodded for me to continue.

"And I decide I don't want to touch you. Not in that moment, so I bring in a guy or a girl, or maybe I bring in both. Two consenting adults, of course. And I tell them what to do to you, would you be into that?"

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