Chapter Nineteen

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The man that had just sat down on the bar was a man I never thought I'd ever see again. His tattoos had tripled over the years, his hair was longer, lighter, and in a bun, with piercing light eyes that pinned you in your place.

He was in a fitting pair of black jeans and a white teeshirt that did nothing to hide his arms and ink-riddled chest. He was just as handsome as when he used to undress in his windows. I hadn't seen him since they moved away from the neighborhood.

I was twenty and still learning how to explore my body and sexuality. I remember that night he had his window open as he gave me one last show. I remember him being half-naked, his hand around his cock as he showed me how he got off while I watched.

That was the last time I saw him, until now. Until he walked into my bar, with a purple bracelet, and a beer in his other hand.

"Lionel?" I asked. "Holy shit. Is that you?"

His face lit up and he grinned when he saw me. "Jesus Christ. What a small world. Emory fucking Banks, you bastard. How are you?"

I shook his hand and he pulled me in for a hug. We clapped each other's backs then pulled away. I sat down and ushered Harry for a drink.

"Good, what're you doing in New York? I thought you moved to Portland."

"We did. My parents are still up there. I'm only down here for a job."

"What it is that you do that has you in this club?" I asked, curiously and thanked Harry for my drink.

"I'm a P.I. Someone's wife is curious as to if her husband really has been working too late or if he's out here getting his dick wet somewhere else.

I've been tailing him for a few weeks and he's always coming here. Saw him with a few men and women. This club is insane. I mean, a sex club in New York."

"It's mine," I said, taking another sip. "I have a few here and there."

"Of course it's yours. You've always been the horndog." He joked.

"Says the one who gave me a pornshow before he left town." I snorted. "Do you know what purple means?" I asked, pointing to his wrist.

"What do you think?" He smirked up at me.

"Then I'm guessing you know what this color means." I flashed him my red bracelet.

He finished his beer, licked his lips, and leaned back his ink sleeves coming across his chest as he peered up at me.

"There a lot of Doms that fuck other people with their subs."

"There are." I agreed. "Why'd you leave that night like that?" I asked, curious. "Why didn't you invite me over? We could have said goodbye in a much better way."

"You were the one that said you weren't gay." He stated.

I shook my head. "No, that's not what I said. I told you I didn't believe in a label."

"That's what straight men say."

"I like what I like." I reminded him. "And I fuck-"

"...who I want to fuck. I know, Banks. I remember." He finished my sentence.

He waved at Harry for another beer, and I finished my drink and he refilled mine as well.

"When do you head back to Portland?" I asked.

"I must have had an effect on you if you're still wondering why I left you like that all those years ago. It's not that I hated you, Banks. I liked hooking up with you. You were the one that kissed me first."

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