Chapter Fifteen

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"Coach Grand says I'm not allowed to play for four games, to be on the field, go to any games, or even practice with them," I said. "I don't know what they did to the other guy, but they're letting me off easy since it's my first offense, and they need me to play. They called my parents."

That had Emory sitting up. We were in his bed, lying down. I stopped by his place after my last class, and we had a late lunch together. We watched a few movies, had sex, and just hung out.

"What did your parents say?"

"Nothing. They didn't call me. I did get a text from my mother. Let me read it to you."

I reached over and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and scanned through my messages before showing it to him.

"Here, read it out loud."

"Levi, don't hit. Use your words," He read and looked at me with a cocked brow and an amused look on his face. "How old do your parents think you are?"

I clicked my phone off and tossed it on the bed.

"I don't know. I haven't seen them since I started university. They probably think I'm dorming and using the money from the scholarship and their allowance for that."

"They don't know you live with Vanessa." He asked, confused.

"They don't even know who Vanessa is. I told you, that's just how they are. It's fine. As long as I get my allowance to pay for rent and other crap. I'm good."

"How are you feeling about your suspension?"

"It's fine. I don't get to play with my teammates anymore, which I miss, but I see them on campus. I didn't think they'd be so supportive of what I did, but they are. I mean, well, besides Turner and Kai, but everyone else said it was fucked up what he said about Coach."

"I heard about Turner from Graham. Sounds like a prick."

"He's the worst person on Earth, but he's still my teammate." I sighed. "I've been practicing on my own time and adding my drills and workout routine, so I don't get lazy and lose my fire for the game.

Coach on the lowkey sends me videos of the new drills he's incorporating. I like that I know that about him, that he's like me in a way. It makes me idolize him more."

He rubbed my bare back. "That's good, Levi. I'm happy for you. Are you sure you don't want to take some time off from school and come to New Jersey with me?" He asked again. "It'll be fun. Just us two. We could go out together, have dinner, go sightseeing."

"Stop," I whined. "I wish I could. I just can't, though. I have other classes. How long are you going to be gone for, again?"

"Two weeks."

"Does that mean I can misbehave for two weeks?" I teased, and he laughed loudly.

"You can try, but whether it was two weeks or two months, you'd get punished either way once I got back."

"Exciting." I grinned, and he smacked my ass.

"Don't make me spank you before I leave."

He got up, naked and unashamed, and slipped into his boxers on the ground. I sat there confused.

"Hold on; I got you something." He said as he began opening his drawers. "I just forgot where I put it." He left to look inside his closet and returned, holding a gift bag. "Here, I found it."

He came back and set the blue bag in front of me. I took out the purple box with the word ditto written and ran my finger to the front of the box to open it.

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