Chapter Seven

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"Did you see me out there?!" I exclaimed, running to Vanessa, who was waiting outside my locker room with Graham by her side. "I fucking killed it. Did you see that fucking shit swing?" I grabbed my bat and made a swinging motion.

"Haxley!" Someone shouted from behind me. "You fucking beast!" He patted my back aggressively, and I saw it was Turner, a guy on my team. "Hey, Van."

He waved at her, and she ignored him. I saw Graham wrap his arm around her waist possessively. Turner shook his head and wrapped his hand around my neck.

"We're all heading out to Baxters for a drink, you're coming, right?"

"I'm down, fuck yeah. Coach owes us a fucking round. I'm exhausted." I said.

"Levi, you're not gonna come hang out with us?" Vanessa asked, giving me a quizzical look.

"No, I'll meet up with you later." I waved her off, and I saw Graham give me a look, but I ignored it.

"What's up your ass, Van? You too good to come to Baxters?" Turner asked, reaching out to smack her arm playfully when Graham snatched his wrist.

"Don't fucking touch her." Graham bit out, and Turner yanked his arm away unphased.

"It's not that deep. It's just Vanessa."

"Fuck off, Turner." She cursed.

Vanessa hated him, but only because they dated two summers ago, and he claimed she was the one who gave him herpes. They had bad blood, and I knew she wanted to kill him when he spread that rumor about her because it wasn't true.

"Turner, knock it off and leave her alone." I defended. "I've told you before not to talk to Vanessa like that."

"You guys are so fuckin' gay." His words had me stiffening up. "Let's go and get drunk. I heard the bartender at Baxters has a belly button piercing, and I want to take her home."

"She'd be an idiot to go home with you." I shoved him off, and he rolled his eyes, unphased as he grabbed his gym bag. "I'll see you guys later." I waved to them, but Vanessa reached for my arm before I could take another step. "What?"

"Don't what me. I fucking hate that guy."

"I don't like him either, but he's on my team."

"Listen, you said that you'd come with us tonight. Why'd you change your mind?"

"I didn't." I gritted out. "I told you that I'd see you later. Am I not allowed to have a celebratory drink with some of my friends?"

"That's not it, and you know it." She bit, and I took a step back from her.

"I'm not discussing this with you and him. He tells him everything."

"I have a name, and you don't have to be so passive-aggressive toward me."

I scoffed. "Says the guy who gave him my number without asking me."

"According to Emory, you didn't mind him calling you." He said so casually that it fucking pissed me off, knowing that Emory told him about what conspired between us.

Was there no fucking privacy between us? I dropped my gym bag and shoved him back.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I shoved him once more. "You're both fucking insane. I'm not gay." I said through clenched teeth. "So you both can fuck off. Fucking hell kind of shit is this where he tells you everything."

"Levi," Vanessa said.

"Don't." I reached for my gym bag and walked away.

I couldn't even tell you what led to my anger, or to me second-guessing myself. I was angry, but not with Emory, but with just how fucked up our society was.

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