Chapter Fourteen

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I sat down on the bleachers next to Graham and Vanessa. She was wearing this white, and red jersey with what I assumed was Levi's number with his last name in red block letters.

She had their university logo on the bottom and was cheering and whistling, and they hadn't even stepped out to play yet.

"Okay, he's number 46." She told me.

"Noted," I said, looking at her shirt.

"Oh yeah. Also, I have no idea how this game goes. I've watched every game and still don't know the terminology."

She chuckled.

"I just cheer when I see him and clap when he swings his bad. I mean, it's not rocket science since he always wins. Just don't ask me what a homerun or what base is what, 'cause the only bases I know are sex."

Graham laughed and squeezed her hips. "Pervert."

"Okay, sadist." She said, and he grinned widely at her. "There he is!" She shouted when the team stepped out. "Go, Levi! I love you, number 46!" She shouted.

I didn't even know she had a poster till she began waving it around. The team stepped out, all wearing white pants; their baseball shirt was red and white with buttons and a red hat.

I saw him look over and wave at her, and his eyes smiled when he saw me, but he didn't wave at me. A guy behind him said something to him and shoved him playfully, and I saw his smile break out, those dimples taunting me from across the field.

He laughed, and when Vanessa started screaming for him to look at her, he gave her the finger as he walked to their field side. Levi was handsome, very handsome, young, and fit. The pants fit him nicely, showcasing those legs and that ass that I loved.

His shirt was fit and clinging onto those muscles and arms, and I decided I liked him with a hat. I didn't understand the game, but whenever Vanessa cheered, I kept my eyes on him to see how he played.

I leaned back and watched him come up, his hands gripping the end of the bat as he taunted the guy with the baseball. This wasn't my domain, my area of expertise, but Levi's space.

We were on his ground now, and it showed just how well he knew the game as he swung the bat, hitting the ball so far I couldn't see where it landed. Then he took off running from spot to spot, and my eyes didn't leave him as he reached the last.

His teammates cheered, and most of the crowd whistled and chanted his name.

"Fuck yeah!" He shouted. "Fucking come at me!"

He prided himself in how well he played and seeing that arrogance shine was turning me on. The rest of the game went on, and even though I didn't understand the logistics of the bases or how someone could strike out, it wasn't a concern.

I was too busy watching the stud that was my submissive as he ran and swung and played like a fucking boss. The game heated when the other team member throwing a ball said something to him.

I saw him toss the baseball bat on the ground and get in his face. They both started screaming and swearing at each other, and before it could escalate, the referee blew his whistle and got them to separate.

I was tense as I watched him walk away reluctantly, but as if not being to hold back his anger, he ran right back and knocked the guy to the ground.

"Levi!" Vanessa shouted, standing up.

Everyone got up to see what the whole thing was about, and I couldn't even react, couldn't pay too close attention to what was going on, but then I heard Levi shouting something that had me standing up in shock.

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