Bonus Chapter 'Just One Kiss?'

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There was something about watching Emory work or take charge. I didn't mean just sexually or when we were acting out a scene. I mean generally. It was how he spoke when he had business calls or how he commanded every room he walked into.

It was how he leaned back when he was listening to the other person and how his head nodded, indicating he was indeed listening before he would sit up, clasping his hands on the table and giving his opinion.

Sometimes I'd see him after a meeting, and he'd have his sleeves rolled over his forearms, and he'd have his tie loosened and hung around his neck. It was something I never thought could turn me on, but over the time I spent with Emory, I realized just how natural it was to be turned on by something.

Whether it was normal or not, he's taught me to trust my body and my gut. I still had my off days where I felt like I wasn't in the box of normal that society insisted on me, and Emory would put everything down and sit with me.

He'd talk with me, reassure me, and then fuck me until every doubt I had about myself faded away. We weren't perfect, far from it, but the absolute trust and communication we had with each other had to count for something.

Emory insisted on open communication even if we weren't acting out a scene. I was studying in his office for an exam I had next week. I came here to study, to focus on the paperwork I had in front of me because I couldn't fail this exam.

I really couldn't. The thing is, I couldn't focus with Emory sitting behind his desk while he worked on whatever he was working on his computer. He looked so official and professional and too damn hot. I couldn't focus. I tried to.

Even put music on to distract me from looking over, but I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. I couldn't control myself as I watched him answer a phone call, his voice all firm and strict as he gave out orders.

What was it about a man that could take charge at work? Not to mention that it was his club, and he owned and managed it.

"Levi, you're supposed to be studying, baby." His voice had me moving my eyes away from his strong arms and back to his eyes.

"I'm trying to," I grumbled. "But it's very hard to focus with you sitting there."

He chuckled. "Should I leave the office and come back later?"

"You better not. You're far more interesting than my homework."


"Emory." I mimicked his tone, and his hand twitched as if wanting to spank me. "I'll focus better if you come here and kiss me."

"Is that right?" He leaned back in his chair, clearly amused. "Just one kiss?"

"I can't promise anything," I said innocently and flashed him my dimples.

He licked his lips, his eyes darkening slightly, but he didn't stand up. "You want a kiss so bad, then you come here and take it."

I dropped my binders and shut my laptop off before walking over to him. I placed my hands on either side of his chair and bent down. I didn't go for his lips, instead feeling brave as I went to his neck. I left a kiss there and tugged on his earlobe.

"Emory," I breathed against his skin.

His hand came down on my ass, hard. "Say my name one more time without permission, and you won't walk for a week."

I pulled away and brushed my lips against his. "Is that a promise?"

With his fingers in my hair, he yanked me back so we were at eye level. "You're very bratty today. Does my little sub need a reminder of his place?"

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