Chapter Twenty-Three

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The game was intense, more tense than usual and it was only because the team we were playing against was fucking brutal. They had an amazing fucking pitcher and an asshole who had you striking before you could even swing the bat.

Coach Grand was frustrated and even though we were only down by a few points, he was screaming and shouting at us. The team was off, and I knew it was because of the locker room incident.

Everyone kept looking at each other weirdly, and the rage of us fucking up had Coach whistling for a fucking two-minute break. The referee gave it to us, and Coach had us huddled up on the bench.

"What's up your fucking asses?" He shouted. "This is the shittiest game you've played ever. You're losing to a team whose fucking mascot is a dolphin. Fuck you. Fuck all of you!" He screamed, throwing his clipboard.

"Turner stop ignoring Hanes. Kai, did you forget how to fucking swing a bat? Do you need me to fucking teach you how to use it again?" Kai winced, dropping his head and I could see Hanes rubbing his face in frustration.

"Haxley, get your head out of your fucking ass and listen to your teammates. And you!" He pointed to Jason.

"Pay fucking attention! Now get back out there and I swear to fuck you better win this game or I'll beat your asses to a pulp with your bats." He threatened lowly then sent us back out in the field.

I made brief contact with Vanessa, Graham, and Emory who were all wearing my jersey number with my last name and were cheering and whistling for me.

It was the last inning, and we were so close to winning. I grabbed Turner's shoulder before he could get out on the field.

"Truce, fucker."

"Truce." He sighed defeated. "Fucker." He mumbled back to me.

I looked over at Kai who gave me a nod. Everyone gave each other a look and then we were all grabbing our gear and getting into positions. The team got their groove back rapidly, home runs, no strikes, all of us screaming and cheering each other on as we fucked the other team up.

It was the weirdest thrill playing a game that I sometimes doubted if I liked or was forced into liking. I was a beast when it came to a bat, and I never struck out.

There was some power in having a baseball bat and swinging it so fucking hard, they had to squint to see how far the ball went.

There was a ferocity when you ran from base to base until reaching a homerun and it was a surge of power and energy when you looked around to see people cheering for you or screaming your name.

There was also that arrogance that I carried knowing Emory was watching me in my element and I wanted him to see how well I played. The thought of him watching me, thinking about me, had me shivering in my spot.

It was Kai's turn to bat and the team whistled and encouraged him as we shouted at him to knock them out, he got one strike and we yelled in frustration, but the second time Kai hit it so hard we couldn't even see where it went.

Kai ran fast, his legs pushing him, as he forced himself to run faster and faster, and once he reached the last base he shouted.

"Homefuckingrun bitches!"

We won. We fucking won. The whole team ran out and jumped on him as we yelled and exclaimed our happiness and joy as the game finally came to an end. We won. Yeah, we fucking won.

Our excitement was contagious as we patted each other's backs and ruffled each other's hairs. Coach ran out just as excited as us and as a team, we lifted him up and were able to get his one leg over Turner's shoulder while the other one over mine.

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