Part 1: Family No More

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Riley's POV 

Almost five years ago my family and I fought against Sentinel Prime and Decepticons in Chicago. We taught that after we defeated them we could live a normal and happy life. For 3 years everything was perfect. Optimus and I were happy and together we were raising our daughter charing every moment. But a year ago our happy lives changed into nightmares. 

In the middle of the night, I ran into my daughter's room and woke her up from her sleep. Autobots were being haunted by humans. People believed that the war started because of the Autobots and they wanted to eliminate all of them. NEST was shut down and the whole of America was after us. Everything happened so fast that I couldn't say goodbye to Sam, Carly, and my parents. 

Because of our safety, we needed to separate. There was no way all of us could be together because the CIA would find us even faster so...we needed to say goodbye. 


Optimus was driving on the highway as I was sitting behind the wheel. I was holding Blue in my arms as she was peacefully sleeping on my chest with her favorite blanket over her small body. 

Optimus: ''This is my decision.'' 

Ratchet: ''But Optimus you guys will be all alone if they find you.'' 

Mirage: ''We promised to protect Blue from any kind of danger.'' 

Me: ''Optimus is right guys. They will find us sooner than later if we stay together.'' 

Bee: ''But what if they...'' 

Me: ''They will not get her Bee. I promise you that.'' 

I said as I turned my head to look out of the window to see him driving next to Optimus. 

Optimus: ''Until the time we will turn off our communication systems. They can't learn about our locations. Till all are one.'' 

Autobots: ''Till all are one.'' 

Me: ''Be careful.'' 

With that, we went our separate ways. Blue woke up and looked up at me with her beautiful eyes. 

Blue: ''Why are you, sad mommy? Where are we going?'' 

Me: ''Everything is okay Blue. We are going on a little trip. Go back to sleep love.'' 

Placing her head on my chest again I placed my hands around her then I looked away to feel tears gathering in my eyes. Our family was falling apart. 

End of the memory...

A few weeks after we separated we learned from the news that Sideswipe was dead. He was shot and killed by humans and their secret weapon we did not know the name of. The news hit Optimus and me hard. But telling Blue that one of her family members was gone was even harder. 

Because of the CIA, we couldn't stay anywhere for a long period of time. We stayed in motels and we only went in public when we needed to buy supplies.  


It was in the middle of the night when I woke up to see Optimus looking out of the window. Carefully standing up from the bed so I didn't wake up Blue I approached him. Placing my hands around him I could feel him relaxing. Every night he would stay awake and keep guard. 

Me: ''Go to bed. I can stay awake.'' 

Optimus: ''You know I can't do that love.'' 

A sight left my mouth as I knew that I will not change his mind. He would do anything to keep me and Blue safe. 

Optimus: ''I need you to promise me something, Riley.'' 

Turning his body around he looked down at me with a serious look. 

Me: ''The last time you wanted me to promise you something was when you asked Sam for help.'' 

Optimus: ''We have big targets on our back you know that. But the one that they want the most is Blue...'' 

Me: ''They will not get her. I wouldn't let them.''

Optimus: ''I know you won't. But you must promise me that if something happens and if they find us. You need to take Blue and run.'' 

Me: ''You can't ask me to leave you behind Optimus.'' 

Optimus: ''You must. If they find us I will hold them back as long as I can so you and Blue can escape. Promise me that you will run and don't look back.'' 

Me: ''I can't do that. I can't.'' 

Tears began to roll down my cheeks. How can I leave him to them? How can I leave my spark mate behind? 

Me: ''I can use my powers. I can fight them.'' 

Optimus: ''You must save your powers to protect Blue, Riley. She is so important to the universe you know that.'' 

Me: ''Orion...'' 

Optimus pulled me into a strong hug and I hugged him back. 

Me: ''I wish I could wake up from this nightmare.'' 

Optimus: ''I know. I know Riley...''

End of the memory...

Two weeks later we were found...and I needed to keep my promise.


Optimus was driving as fast as he could as rockets were flying past and above us. Blue was sitting next to me, holding her blanket in her arms, crying her eyes out. She was scared and she didn't understand what was going on. 

I didn't understand how they found us but I knew that they will not stop until they get Blue. Optimus was trying to get us to the location where a car for our escape was waiting. Looking into the rare mirror I saw the whole CIA army getting closer and closer to Optimus. Closing my eyes, feeling the powers inside of me activating. 

Optimus: ''Riley don't!'' 

With my powers, I created a massive wall that came just behind Optimus and blocked not only whistles but helicopters as well. It was so tall that helicopters couldn't fly that high. As we came to our car Blue and I jumped out of Optimus so he could change into his human form. 

Optimus: ''Keep driving South and don't look back.'' 

He said as he pulled me and Blue into a strong hug. My heart was hurting but I needed to leave him to save our daughter. Looking at me he kissed me on the lips then our eyes meet. 

Optimus: ''I love you my moon.'' 

Me: ''I love you my sun.'' 

Then he looked at Blue in my arms and gently placed a hand on her head. 

Optimus: ''You must know that daddy loves you. More than he can describe.'' 

Blue: ''I love you too daddy.'' 

With that, I placed Blue on the back seat and after placing a seatbelt around her I took a seat behind the wheel. I looked at Optimus who changed into his robot form and looked back at me. 

Optimus: ''I love you, Riley.'' 

With that, I began to drive. 

End of the memory...

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