Part 11: The Plan

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Riley's POV

Cade was looking threw the binoculars and I was next to him looking around the city. The KSI building was right in front of us and I was looking for the best ways to drive to the building.  

Cade: "There is no way in."

Me: "Really?"

Cade: "Take a look." 

He said as he offered me his binoculars Tessa and Shane stole from the store an hour ago. I looked threw the binoculars and as I turned them towards the KSI building I began to look for the way in. Cade was right. No matter where I looked there was no way into the building. But then again there was one way. 

Me: "The front doors."

Cade: "What?"

Me: "The front doors."

Cade: "The-The front doors. Yeah, you are right."

Me: "We saw enough let's go." 

I turned around and began to leave the balcony of the building. I had black sunglasses covering my eyes as Hound's oversized jacket covered the lower part of my face. It was so weird walking around without people knowing who I was. Cade quickly followed me. He also had black sunglasses and a black baseball hat on his head. 

Cade: "So you have been in this battle with Autobots for a long time?" 

He asked a little bit quieter so only I could hear him. 

Me: "Ever since transformers came down on Earth. So yeah I have some battles after me." 

I respond as I began to walk down the hundred stairs. As we came out of the building we began to make our way back to the church where others were hiding and waiting. As we were waking I taught about what Cade asked me and all the memories that I spend fighting with the army came back to me. 


He was the one person who I believed would never betray me. But the moment that we became a target I lost him. The moment we came back to the old church Blue came running up to me and I picked her up so she could hug me.

Blue: "I missed you, mommy."

Me: "I missed you too." 

Optimus approached me and kissed me on the forehead.

Optimus: "Was everything okay?"

Me: "Yeah we made sure that we didn't look into the cameras. But we do have a problem."

Cade: "The building is like a fortress. The only way in is the front doors."

Me: "I have a plan for how to get in. Let's wait for Tessa and Shane to come back and I will explain everything later." 

As Tessa and Shane came back with more stolen food they placed everything on the table. Tessa offered Blue a chocolate bar and she took it with a big smile on her face. 

Blue: "Thank you!" 

Tessa: "You are welcome." 

Cade: "You stole mouthwash?" 

He asked Shane as he looked at him on his left. 

Shane: "I like to be fresh when I'm making out with you daughter." 

Tessa laughed a little making Cade look at her. I wasn't able not to smile at his facial expression. Taking the mouthwash from the table he stood up and threw the bottle far away as he could, making Bee laugh hard. 

Cade: "Yeah, that's not happening. Ever." 

Tessa: "Ever?" 

I took a seat on the stole and began to talk about the plan that I come up with. 

Me: "Because there is only one way into the building and we are unable to get it Cade offered himself to go." 

Tessa: "But how is he going to get in without them realizing who he is?" 

Me: "The droid that Cade stole. We can use it to get a picture of someone else's card. Then Bumblebee will use his scanners and scan Cade's face." 

Sahne: "That's a really good plan." 

Me: "But I don't want for you to go alone." 

I said as I looked at Cade. 

Cade: "I will be in and out of the building as fast as I can." 

Tessa: "I don't want you to go alone as well dad." 

Shane: "I will go." 

He said making all of us look at him. 

Cade: "Hell no." 

Tessa: "Yes." 

Cade: "No." 

Tessa: "Yes." 

Cade: "No." 

Tessa: "If he won't go I will." 

Cade was quiet for a moment then he nodded his head. 

Cade: "Alright. But you better listen to me and don't piss me off." 

Shane: "Piss you off? Don't piss me off." 

Cade gave him a dead stare making Tessa roll her eyes. I continue taking. 

Me: "Bumblebee will take you to the building. Do not use your original form or human form. They will recognize you immediately." 

I said as I looked at him, making him nod his head. 

Me: "Once you're in I need you to talk to us and film so we can see from here what they are hiding in there. If Ratchet is still there we will do anything to get him out alive." 

Drift: "Good plan your majesty." 

Crosshair: "She always had good plans. That's why she is a leader." 

Me: "Drift can you take Cade closer to the building so he can get the card information?"

Drift: "Of course."

Me: "Be careful if you get a bad feeling get out of there as fast as you can." 

Drift nodded and with Cade, they left. When they returned Bumblebee copy the picture from the droid on another card but instead of using the employee's face, he used Shane's picture and Chad's. 

Shane: "It looks like it's really." 

Me: "Freat you Bumblebee." 

Bumblebee: "I know. I am the best!" 

A few hours later...

Optimus was sitting on the sofa with Blue sleeping on his lap. They look adorable. 

Optimus: "Come rest my love." 

With a smile, I took a sit next to Optimus and as I placed my legs closer to my body Optimus placed his hand around my shoulders pulling me closer to him. 

Me: "She is so beautiful." 

I said as I looked down at Blue. 

Optimus: "Just like her mother." 

Me: "And strong as her dad." 

I said as I looked up at him meeting his eyes. Lining in I connected my lips with his and we shared a beautiful kiss. Opening my eyes I saw him already looking at me and a smile grew on my face. 

Crosshair: "Love birds." 

He said making me laugh and look away from Optimus at him. 

Cade: "What language is this?" 

Crosshair: "It's a language of Primes." 

Tessa: "Language of the Primes?" 

Me: "It's a gift that is given to a new Prime when he it's chosen by the Matrix of leadership. When I became Optimuses mate I was also given the gift of language and so did our daughter." 

Tessa: "It sounds beautiful."

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