Part 20: Insurence?!

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Riley's POV 

Thanks to Primus, Shane woke up the moment Crosshair came next to us with his ship. Tessa carefully stepped first on the ship and took cover behind the controllers at the back of the ship. Shane, Cade, and I followed her. As Bumblebee stepped over us I heard a familiar sound and as I looked up I saw three enemy ships flying towards us.

Crosshair: "Hold your knickers, I'm punching it!" 

He quickly began to fly. The enemy ship began to shoot at us as Bumblebee was shooting back at them with his cannons. The enemy shoots were flying past us hitting the corners of the buildings.

Shane: "Oh my!"

Cade: "They got three ships on them!"

Crosshair: "I'm giving them the juice!" 

He pushed the power to maximum and we began to fly with even greater speed as before. Looking back I saw that the enemy ships were still following close behind us and we were unable to get rid of them. Crosshair even went down so he was closer to the ground with many obstacles that could bring us cover. They came even closer as we were above the river.

Me: "Bee take them down!" 

Bumblebee began to shoot at them again but he was missing. 

Bee began to shoot back at them but he was missing a shot. Then he used his hook and as he shoot the nearby boat with it he pulled the boat up and it crashed into the cybertronian ship on our left. 

Cade: "Good move, Bee!" 

Crosshair: "This one is for you, A-hole!" 

He said and then he pressed the button shooting two rockets. One of each hit one side of the bridge that was up right after we came under and passed it. The bridge's parts hit both ships, making them crash into the river. But just as we taught that we were finally done with them more ships came. 

Shane: "If you're gonna do something, you better do it!" 

Crosshair: "I'm sick of this crap. You fly. I shoot." 

He said to Bumblebee as he stood up from behind the controls and replaced Bumblebee at the back. Bumblebee quickly took over the controls of the ship. 

Cade: "Can't this ship go any faster?! Let me fire this big-ass gun!" 

Crosshair looked down at him to see him and Shane holding the controls of the gun. Cade was holding the left controls and Shane was holding the right controls.

Crosshair: "Listen up! Crash course. Tracer guns. Punch forwards to fire, slide back to reload." 

He was telling us so much information that we had no idea what he even said. 

Cade: "What?!" 

Crosshair: "Punch, hold, slide, repeat. Punch, hold, slide, repeat." 

By the throne of his voice, I could hear that he was getting impatient. 

Cade: "Wait. What are you talking about?" 

Shane: "I don't know what he means." 

Crosshair: "Good luck!" 

Cade: "Wait where are you going?" 

Crosshair: "To lay some hate." 

He said as he prepared his goggles. 

Me: "You know Drift's location?" 

Crosshair: "Meet you guys there!" 

In that moment he pushed himself off the ship and as he did a flip forwards he activated his pareshoots. Pulling out his guns he began to shoot at the enemy ships. Crazy bot. 

Cade: "Say it!" 

Shane: "Okay." 

Cade/Shane: "Punch, hold, slide, repeat. Punch, hold, slide, repeat." 

Cade: "Go!" 

Both of them pushed the controller forwards and they began to shoot on the last ship that was left flying. The first few shots were flying past the ship because of the aim. So I began to use my powers so I could pull the gun to the right angle and shoot began to hit it. We were able to knock the last ship down. 

Shane: "Yes!" 

Cade: "This alien gun kicks ass!" 

Two more ships came at us and they began to shoot at them once more. Bumblebee turned the ship towards the ground and he fly us into a tunnel. Cars were driving past us as Cybertroanin ships were right after us. It was harder for us to shoot with our gun not that we didn't have much space anymore. 

Me: "Bee fire the guns!" 

He shoot the guns on our right and the shoots hit the ship closest to us. Then Bee shot the last ship and that made a huge explosion that was coming right at us. Before it could hit us Bumblebee pulled the ship up and we came threw the glass that was on the ceiling. Because of the impact behind us, we began to roll over and over again. As we finally stopped I looked at everyone to make sure they were alright. 

Me: "You guys alright?" 

Cade: "That was insane! Yeah, we are fine." 

Shane: "Tess you okay?" 

As I looked at her I could see that he was about to be sick. I jumped out of the part we were in and Cade quickly followed me. I almost slipped on a can of beer that was everywhere. We must have hit the truck as we were rolling. 

Voice: "Okay. Sir? You better have insurance!" 

Looking to my left I saw a guy with glasses stepping out of the car we hit and totally destroy from the front. Cade turned his body towards him. 

Cade: "Insurence? It's a freaking spaceship." 

Stepping towards him Cade grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him towards him. 

Cade: "You go get insurance on a freaking spaceship. Good luck with that, buddy." 

He let him go then he pick up the cane from the ground and looked at the guy with crazy eyes. 

Cade: "You car?" 

Before the man could respond Cade open the can with the help of the car's doors and began to drink the beer. After taking a few sips he threw the beer away. The guy was looking at him in shock. Cade looked at his daughter. 

Cade: "Sweetie, hand me my alien gun." 

He said as he prepared his hands. 

Tessa: "Here you go." 

The moment she gave him the gun the poor guy run away in fear. Cade went to help Tessa out of the broken ship part and Bumblebee came to us in his human form. He was thrown in another direction but thanks to Primus he was alright. 

Me: "Great saving Bee." 

Bee: "Remind me not to do that again."  

People around us began to scream and run in tarro making me look back to see Lockdown's ship moving above the city. They were launching. 

Me: "Optimus." 

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