Part 2: Old Truck

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Riley's POV

It was 8:39 in the morning and I was sitting behind the wheel of my old pickup truck driving on the road next to the long fields that you couldn't see the end of it. Looking into the rare mirror I looked at the back seats to see my daughter peacefully sleeping on the back seats with my jacket as he pillow and her blanket covering her.

Me: ''Blue sweetheart it's time to wake up. Blue.''

She slowly opened her eyes. As she set up she looked at the rare mirror meeting my eyes.

Blue: ''Good morning mommy.''

Me: ''Good morning. Sleep well?''

Blue: ''Yeah. I had a nice dream too.''

Me: ''Oh really? What about?''

Blue: ''That daddy was back with the rest of the family.''

I bearly kept a smile on my face after hearing her say this.

Me: ''I know that you're missing them. I'm missing them too.''

I said as I looked back to the road. It has been months since I last saw Optimus. I didn't know where he was but I know that he was alive and that, that night...he got hurt. A lot. I could feel his pain and hear his growls as he stayed back protecting us. But I knew that he got out of there alive. I could feel his spark.

Blue: ''Will dad come back soon?''

Me: ''Soon dear. Soon.''

Blue: ''Where are we?''

Me: ''Texas.''

Blue: ''Where is that?''

Me: ''Really far away from home.''

Blue: ''I am a little hungry.''

Me: ''We will stop as soon as I find a store.''

Blue: ''Okay.''

Soon we came to a small country town and as I found a grocery store I stopped my truck next to it. I turned around a little so I could look back at Blue.

Me: ''Come on. Change the colors.''

She nodded and as her eyes opened again her blue and purple eyes changed into the brown eyes I used to have when I was fully human.

Blue: ''Did I do it?''

Me: ''Yeah. Me?''

I asked as I opened my eyes again Blue nodded her head.

Me: ''Come on then.''

Stepping out of the truck that I bought for a farmer a few weeks ago I stepped to the back doors and opened them. As Blue jumped out I took a hold of her hand and together we went into the store.

The people that were after us knew that Autobots had the most unique eye color on Earth. Even in their human forms, they could recognize them. But because of the power, I and Blue had we could change our eye's colors.

The first time Optimus and I found out that Blue had powers was when she turned 3 years old. She was changing her eye colors all the time and when she would get angry or sad her eyes would glow. When she would be mad her eyes would glow purple and when she would be sad her eyes would glow blue. We did not know where this power came from. Ratched believed that it started when Optimus shared a piece of his spark with me. But Optimus believed that the Allspark had to do something with it.

After gathering some food and drinks for the road ahead Blue took a hold of my hand making me look down at her.

Blue: ''Can you get me this mommy?''

She asked showing me a small red toy car in her hand.

Blue: ''Sure.''

A big smile grew on her face as she placed the toy car on the cash register next to our food. I didn't have much money left. The night that we left our home I only was able to take the money Optimus and I had at home. There was no way I could take the money from the bank because the people that were after us would find us. But to see Blue smiling in these dark times made me happy. After paying we stepped out of the grocery and made our way towards the car.

Blue: ''Thank you for the car mommy.''

Me: ''You are welcome.''

I would do anything to make her happy. Suddenly I stopped walking as the pain hit my heart making me let go of the grocery bag.

Me: ''Optimus...''

Falling to my knees I caught myself with my hands as more pain hit my heart. Optimus was dying.

Blue: ''Mommy! Mommy, what's wrong? Mommy!''

Me: ''I'm o...''

The pain inside of me got stronger making me stop talking. I was trying to fight the pain but it was getting worse.

Voice: ''Riley! Riley!''

Me: ''Optimus...''

Voice: ''Miss...miss are you okay?''

I could feel someone placing a hand on my right shoulder before my hands gave in and my eyes closed.

As my eyes opened again I looked around to see that I was in a room. I was laying on a bed covered with a blanket. As fast as the bullet I jumped on my feet and left the room. Where was Blue? She was close and I could feel her. Coming down the stairs I heard her outside and as I came out I saw her running around with a big smile as a girl with blond hair was trying to catch her. The moment Blue saw me she began to run toward me.

Blue: ''Mommy!''

The second she came running up to me I picked her up and give her a strong hug. I was so worried.

Girl: ''Dad!''

A man with short brown hair stepped out of the old barn and stepped next to the girl. By the look at them, I saw that they were no threat to me or Blue. But I did not trust anyone that wasn't an Autobot.

Man: ''Hello. I'm Cade and this is my daughter Tessa.''

Tessa: ''My dad found you and brought you here. We would drive you to the hospital but...''

Me: ''No, no hospitals. We are fine.''

Just then I felt something that I didn't feel in a really long time. My eyes traveled to the old barn.

Me: ''What do you have in the old barn?''

Cade: ''Nothing. Just some junk and an old truck. Why?''

Me: ''Truck?''

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