Part 24: Help Is Here

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Riley's POV 

Hound: "We're getting boxed in! We're getting flanked everywhere! Could you help me out here? Kill anything that moves!" 

Running out of the building I began shooting at every Decepticon that came charming at Hound. Bumblebee was right next to me. Cade was also shooting from inside the building helping us a lot with his gun. As many as we killed more of them come from every direction. 

Hound: "Come get some little bitches!"

Bumblebee: "Look out!" 

He swiped me off my feet and jumped out of the way just before some bullets could hit me. The second he placed me back on the ground I began to send blasts towards the Decepticons once more.

Me: "Thanks, Bee." 

He continued helping me shoot. Hound was shooting at them with his left hand as he was covering himself with the car he picked from the ground. 

Hound: "Running out of guns and ammo!"

 He yelled as he switched to his last pair of guns. Looking up I saw four Decepticons on top of the building right behind him. Running to the middle of the battle I placed my hands high in the air and created a gain shield over Hound, Bumblebee, and humans.  I was trying to do the thing I did earlier when I bounced the attackers back but this time it wasn't working.

Me: "Come on work."

Hundreds of bullets and rockets were hitting the shield pushing me down.

Tessa: "Hold on Riley!"

Shane: "You can do it!"

Feeling the electrical wave coming through my fingers I let it go and it made the bullets and tickets turn around and hit the Decepticons that sent them. So that's how you do it.

Bumblebee: "Great job Riley!"

More Decepticons came.

Hound: "I'm like a fat ballerina who takes scalps and slits throats!"

He yelled as he was spinning around the Decepticons killing them. Ripping the head of the Decepticon close to him Bee looked at me giving me the look. I began to run towards him and the moment that I jumped on his palm which was waiting for me he threw me high in the air. 

I placed my hands together and sent a powerful blast of blue at the Decepticons that were coming threw the ally on our right. Before hitting the ground Bee caught me. 

Hound: "Get your fortune cookie! Come here, you little punk." 

He killed another Decepticon he pushed the knife into his head. Bee placed me behind the cover so I could look around and think about our next move. We needed reinforcements but I was unable to contact Optimus.

Hound: "Pull the pin! I'm dying out here!" 

Looking to humans I saw Joshua holding a gradane in his hands. Cade came running up to him and removed the pin. 

Joshua: "It's life! It's live! Take it!" 

Cade: "What do you want me to do?!" 

Me: "Cade threw it to me!" 

He threw it out of the window but before it could touch the ground I caught it with my powers. With great force, I turned and threw the graned towards the Decepticons. Hound threw two grenades as well and all three of them went off at the same time. 

Hound: "Got some bad news, Riley. I'm out of ammo and out of ideas." 

Me: "Bee?" 

Bumblebee: "I'm out as well!" 

Me: "Step behind me!" 

Placing my hands together and then spreading them far apart I created a massive wall and began to push the Decepticons back. They were trying to break it with their weapons and bear hands. But I was going to hold on as long as I needed to. I can't let them near my family. 

Optimus: "Riley." 

Hound: "Optimus is here!" 

He came. Looking to my right I saw my husband and my daughter who was in his right hand riding a...dinosaur? A Cybertronian dinosaur. Wait a minute. That was a Dinobot. Optimus told me about them years ago. But I thought that they were legends. How were they here? Optimus suddenly jumped off the Dinobot that he was riding together with Blue who he was holding against his chest. The moment he spied on the ground he began to cut the Decepticons with his sword. The Dinobot was closed behind him helping him destroy the Decepticons. 

When Optimus came to me I broke down the wall so he could place my daughter into my hands. 

Blue: "Mommy!" 

I quickly went to Tessa and gave her my daughter so I could help Optimus and others. I placed the shield around them then I ran back into the battle. Every Decepticon that I attacked I killed. Suddenly there came Drift and Crosshair with more Dinobots and all of them joined the fight.

Killing another Deception I heard a growl behind me and as I turned around I saw the Dinobot Optimus was riding right behind me. Up close he was massive but I could feel that he was one gentle transformer from the inside. 

Me: "Thank you for helping my family."  

He placed his head closer to me so I could place my hand on top of his nose. 

Dinobot: "My name is Grimlock." 

Me: "I'm Riley." 

Joshua: "What is she doing?!" 

Cade: "Could you shut up?!" 

Bumblebee: "She is making a connection with him." 

Joshua: "What?!" 

Bumblebee: "A Leader connection, not a mate connection your idiot." 

Cade: "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" 

A Decepticon came charging at me but Grimlock blocked his attack with his tail sending him flying to the budiling far away. Optimus came running and as I looked at him he already knew what to do. He carefully took a hold of me then he went on top of Grimlock's back. Placing me on top of his right shoulder he prepared his sword as I prepared my powers. 

Optimus: "Charge!" 

Grimlock and the rest of the Dinobots began to run towards our enemies together with all the Autobots. Grimlock let out a roar as a flame of powerful fire came out of his mouth and he destroyed the three Decepticons on the building that we jumped over. To make sure the last Decepticon was dead he bit him crushing him in half. 

We were destroying the Decepticons one by one and we were winning the fight. Hound was fighting with his fists. Crosshair, Bumblebee, and Drift were helping each other, and Dinobots were crushing everything in their path. As for Optimus, Grimlock, and me? We were crushing everything in our path. 

Optimus: "Bee, jump!" 

The moment Bumblebee jumped high in the air Strafe caught him. But before he could take Bumblebee high into the air a Decepticon jumped and took hold of Bumblebee's legs. 

Me: "Bee!" 

Bumblebee: "Don't worry! I can handle him!" 

He yelled as Strafe took him and the Decepticon high into the sky. 

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