Part 12: No Mercy

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Riley's POV 

Bumblebee, Cade, and Shane left about 20 minutes ago and we were waiting for them to call us. As much as I trusted Bumblebee to keep Cade and Shane safe I was worried that something may happen and people will recognize them. 

Optimus: "Everything will be alright love." 

He said making me look back at him. He was standing behind me in his human form with Blue in his arms. 

Me: "I know. Bee will keep them safe." 

I still remembered the first time I meet Bumblebee. I taught that he was an orderly car. But he was so much more than that. Through the years we became great friends. Losing him would bring me the same pain I felt when I lost Sam. 

Bumblebee: "We are in."

Said his voice threw the microphone I was holding in my hand.

Me: "Is everything alright?"

Cade: "Yes they didn't notice a thing."

Me: "Alright what do you see?"

Cade: "It's weird but it looked like they are making their own versions."

Optimus: "Versions of what?"

Shane: "Transformers."

Me: "What?"

Cade: "They created a robot that sure looked like Bumblebee."  

Bumblebee: "It does not look like me!" 

Shane: "Shit someone is coming."

Cade: "We will contact you guys the moment we find Ratchet."

The call was over and I looked at the Autobots. 

Hound: "Their own transformers?"

Crosshair: "They didn't seem right. How can a human make a transformer?"

No one knows how transformers were made but one thing is for certain. If they really were doing their own transformers they were playing with the power they were not in control of. A bad feeling came over me as I looked at Blue who was in my husband's hands. Meeting Optimus eyes I could see that he felt that I was worried. 

Me: "I think that we should meet Bee at the location we agreed on." 

Each time I got a bad feeling something bad happened. I didn't want something bad to happen to Bee, Cade, or Shane. 

Optimus: "Drift we need you to stay here and look after Blue. Alright?" 

Drift: "As you wish sensei." 

He changed into his human form and Optimus began to walk towards him. He placed Blue into his arms but not before hugging her and kissing her on the top of his head. 

Drift: "I will protect her with my life." 

I approach him and kissed Blue on her cheek. 

Me: "Daddy and I will be back soon so don't worry. Alright?" 

She nodded. 

Optimus: "Aubotos let's go." 

All of them expect Drift to change into their vehicle forms. I approach Optimus but beot before Tessa stopped me by taking hold of my hand. 

Tessa: "I'm coming to." 

Me: "Are you sure?" 

Tessa: "Yes." 

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