Part 22: Get Out Of The Fucking Way

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Riley's POV 

I approach Cade who was talking on the phone with Joshua Joyce. The moment I stepped next to Cade he gave me the phone and I placed it on my right ear. 

Phone call...

Me: "You fucked up pretty good Joyce." 

Joshua: "Riley?" 

Me: "We know where you guys are. If you are smart which I know you are you will keep Galvatron always from the Seed." 

Joshua: "What are you talking about?" 

Me: "You have been hacked. Your creations were hacked and Galvatron is controlling all of me." 

Joshua: "I control Galvatron. I created him. He is listening to me." 

Me: "Really? Deep down I know you know who is actually controlling who. If you let Galvatron near the Seed the whole planet is going extinct." 

End of the call...

I turned off the call then I gave the phone back to Cade and turned my body towards Drift. 

Me: "How fast can we get to them?" 

Drift: "Very. It's a spaceship." 

Me: "Get ready." 

He nodded and as he began to walk towards the ship I could hear the helicopter and police cars approaching our location. I turned to look at Cade and Shane. 

Me: "I'm not making you guys come with us. The decision is yours." 

Cade and Shane nodded then I turned around and began to walk. As I came to the ship Blue came running up to me and as I picked her up I began to enter the ship. Looking to my left I saw Optimus looking at us and I gave him a smile. As I entered the control room I took a seat on the ground with Blue in my arms. Autobots quickly joined us together with Cade, Shane, and Tessa. 

As the humans took a seat next to me Drift and Crosshair took control of the ship and slowly picked us up from the ground. 

Blue: "Yey we are flying!" 

She called in joy as we flew high into the air. But of course not that high because of the air we needed. 

Hours Later... 

Optimu's POV 

Cade: "When you said you were done fighting for humans, you didn't mean that did you?" 

Me: "How many more of my kind must be sacrificed to atone for your mistakes?" 

I asked him as I picked myself up. 

Cade: "What do you think being human means? That's what we do. We make mistakes. And sometimes out of those mistakes come the most amazing things." 

I took a few steps away from him then I looked back at him. 

Me: "Those mistakes have almost killed my family." 

I said as I looked toward Riley and Blue who were peacefully sleeping against the window. Blue was sleeping on her mother as Riley had her hands around her protectively. 

Cade: "I understand that you are trying to protect them. For what you and Riley have been through I understand that you are trying everything to survive. But when I find you I was only trying to fix you and sell you for money. And it was me making a mistake. Without it, Riley would maybe never be able to find you and fix you in time. So even if you don't have fate in us anymore. I am asking you to do what I do. I'm asking you to look at all the junk and see the treasure. You gotta have Fate Prime in who you can be." 

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