Part 14: Return Of Our Enemy

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Riley's POV 

Megatron pointed his right hand towards us and shoot five rockets. They began to fly towards us at great speed but before they could hit any Autobots I used my powers and created a gain blue shield blocking the rockets. 

Optimus: "Hold on Riley!" 

He pushed the brakes and began to turn around. The moment we were turned he began to drive away from Megatron and another transformer. Autobots quickly followed. Looking into a mirror on my left I saw the red transformer sending a few rockets towards us together with Megatron behind him. 

Shane: "Wow they are shooting at us!" 

Yelled his voice from the radio. He, Cade, and Tessa were driving with Bumblebee. 

Me: "Bumblebee, Crossahir look out!" 

They moved out of the way just in time before the rockets could hit them. The rest of the rockets flew past me and Optimus and they hit a truck that was loaded with wooden boards. Then that truck hit another white truck which created a massive explosion. 

There was no way to drive by! Optimus began to push the breaks but Bumblebee was unable to stop.

Me: "Bee!" 

Optimus: "No!" 

Optimus began to transform and I found myself in his right hand. He grabbed Bumblebee and threw him in the air just before he crashed. In the air, Optimus turned around and placed me against his chest. I took a hood hold of him and as I looked back I saw him catching Tessa with his left hand. 

I saw Bumblebee struggling to get Cade and Shane. Before I could help Optimus placed Tessa next to me and covered us with his hand as he crashed threw the truck that was on top of the bridge. 

Then as we came past it Optimus removed his hand and I saw him caching Shane and Cade that Bee threw to him. Optimus placed us together and the moment he touched the ground he began to transform and drive away. I was behind the wheel again and as I looked into the mirror I saw Bumblebee shooting at Megatron.  

Shane: "How the hell are we still alive?!" 

Tessa: "Calm down, calm down." 

Optimus was driving as fast as he could but Megatron was right behind us. What was he created from? How did he move like this? I saw that he was about to shoot rockets toward us again. 

Me: "Optimus look out." 

Cade: "Come on Optimus!" 

The moment rockets began to fly past us Optimus began to move from left to right trying to avoid them. But there were too many of them. Optimus opened the doors on the right and he threw Cade and Shane out. But on my side, there were too many rockets and he couldn't risk it. 

He began to transform with me in his right hand and Tessa in his left hand. He jumped over the many rockets that Megatron sent. So he could stop himself he had to let us go. I rolled over a couple of times but as I stopped I looked at my husband. 

Optimus: "You guys alright?" 

He asked as he looked down at us. 

Me: "Yes." 

I said as Tessa just nodded her head yes. Optimus slowly looked forward and I followed his gaze towards Megatron. Hearing his mask coming on I knew what was going to happen next. 

Me: "Tessa get behind that car!" 

I yelled and the moment I got up Optimus charged at Megatron who came in front of us and transformed. They began to fight like titans. How was he still alive? Megatron turned his cannon towards me but before he could shoot me Optimus pushed his hand away and the shoot flew past me. 

With my powers, I shoot Megatron in the back of his leg so Optimus could throw him on the ground. Optimus was able to punch him twice before Megatron kicked him off him. I used my powers once more and created a shield over Megatron forbidding him to stand.

Megatron: "Gaah!" 

He began to push and I was unable to hold him back. He broke free from my trap and charged at Optimus the moment he stood up. He punched him so hard that Optimus fell back. I began to shoot at Megatron making him look away from my husband. 

Megatron: "I will rip you apart." 

He charged at me but I did not move away. I used both of my hands and created a giant cannon sending a good blast toward him. The moment my attack touched him he screamed in pain but he did not move or fall. He began to resist it. How was he holding me back? 

Megatron: "This is your power? This is how you will lose control?!" 

He was getting closer and closer. I couldn't hold him back. 

Me: "Stay back!" 

His hand was just about to grab me when Optimus charged at him pulling him away from me. He threw him over himself then he pulled out his sword and began to attack Megatron with it. 

Cade: "Tessa run to the field!" 

I began to run towards Megatron who got my husband on the ground and pushed him back with my powers. He swung around and shoot towards me. I jumped out of the way then Optimus kicked Megatron on the ground. Feeling weakness coming over me as I was trying to get back on my legs. 

Optimus: "Riley?" 

The moment he looked back at me Megatron sent him flying towards me. Optimus stopped himself as he pushed his sword deep into the Earth. Then Megatron kicked him in the face but then Optimus attacked him with his sword once more. 

Optimus: "You have no soul!" 

He yelled as he pushed his sword into Megatron's chest. But I did not look like he hurt him. 

Megatron: "This is why I have no fear! You and your mate die!" 

He grabbed Optimuses face and threw him on the ground. I jumped out of the way so they didn't land on me. Pointing my right hand at Megatron who was on top of my husband I sent him a few blasts but this time I looked like they did not hurt him. What was happening with my powers? 

They rolled over on the road and Optimus smashed Megatron's chest against the road. The hit was so hard that the road broke. 

Tessa: "Help me!" 

Yelled his voice behind the car. I pushed myself on my feet and in that moment A rocket flew above me. It hit Optimus and the ground in pain as a scream left my soul and my legs gave in. Looking back I saw a massive ship and from the smoke stepped Lockdown. 

Me: "No..." 

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