Part 21: Gave To Save

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Riley's POV 

Me: "Optimus! Blue!" 

I was so relieved to see both of them alright. The moment I came running up to Optimus I hugged him together with Blue who was in his arms.  She immediately placed her hands around me. 

Blue: "Mommy!" 

Me: "Are you okay?" 

I asked her and she nodded her head. 

Blue: "Yes. Drift took me on a nice ride out of the city. Then I saw Daddy coming out of that big ship."  

I gave Dirft a quick look giving him a grateful smile. He nodded and bowed his head. 

Me: "You alright?" 

I asked Optimus who looked away from our daughter so he could look down at me. 

Optimus: "Yes. I'm fine."

He said as he kissed the top of my forehead. I was really worried that Lockdown would take Optimus into space. But after seeing the smaller ship dispatching from the warship I knew it was them and that he was okay. 

Crosshair: "Let's give Bumblebee the good news. We got the ship now. We are leaving."

Me: "What?" 

I looked back at Chrosshair whose optics winded and he quickly looked away from me. I looked back at my husband. 

Me: "What is he saying Optimus?" 

Optimus: "Let's talk in private." 

Optimus took me on the ship so we can talk in private. We left Blue outside with Bumblebee who was glad to watch over her. 

Me: "What is Crosshair talking about Optimus?" 

I asked as I turned my body towards him. 

Optimus: "Humans do not realize what they wrought upon themselves." 

Me: "What are you saying Optimus?" 

Optimus: "The truth. We must leave Earth." 

Me: "Optimus you can't go. As much as I hate humans for hurting my family I know that they will not win without Autobots or their help." 

Optimus: "You know what humans are capable Riley. Within that manmade prototype we fought, I sensed the presence of Megatron. I know you did too. As much as they changed him from the outside it's still fully him from the inside. He knew you and he knew what happened to him. That was Megatron's plan all along. Brains told us that he was pretending to be fully broken so humans could build him a new body." 

Me: "What is his point in all of this? It can't be just a new body." 

Optimus: "The Seed." 

Me: "Seed?" 

Optimus: "Sixty million years ago. Thousand of planets. were cyber-formed with Seeds. They turned your organic life into our elemental mental. Our creators destroyed your world to make us. And that's what Megatron wants to happen again. He wants to demand that Seed in the biggest city and kill millions. The blast wave will incinerate that city into molten metal. He will have a massive army that will destroy humankind." 

Me: "We need to get that Seed before Megatron does." 

I was really angry with him so instead of lasting at him I turned around and left the ship. 


The night was really beautiful. Blue was sleeping peacefully in Bumblebee's arms inside the train together with Cade, Tessa, and Shane. Autobots were patrolling around as I was sitting on the top of the old train looking at the beautiful stars. The wind was gently following threw my hair as a long sight left my mouth. 

How I wished for a normal life. Hearing heavy steps I looked to my left to see Optimus slowly approaching me in his original form. 

Optimus: "Can we talk?" 

Without saying I nodded my head yes. He changed himself into his human form and without a problem claimed on top of the train. He took a seat next to me on my left and as he did he placed his hands on his legs then he looked up at the sky. 

Optimus: "I know what you are thinking of." 

Me: "Really? What am I thinking of?" 

Optimus: "You wished for a better life. But not just for yourself, Blue, and me. For all of us." 

Me: "I love you, Orion. But running away again is impossible for me." 

Optimus: "That's what you think of me? That I would run away from Earth and leave you and Blue behind? You know that I would never do that Riley."

Me: "I'm saying that if there was a change I would let you take Blue with you. So you could take her as far from Decepticons as possible. But I would be unable to go. As much as I hate myself for being human I could never turn my back on Earth even after stabbing me in the back." 

Optimus: "What you gave to save Earth o many times before not many will know. As much as I am angry and disappointed with humankind I will not let Decepticons destroy another planet." 

Me: "The new powers inside of me. I could feel them. They are ready to activate. But am I ready to use such power?"

Optimus: "Riley you are the strongest person I know. If anyone can do it it's you." 

He placed his hand on my left hand making me look at him. Pushing myself towards him I placed my right hand on his cheek and connected my lips with him giving him a kiss. He kissed me back as both of his hands went threw my hair. 

The second I knew it we were inside the different train with my back against the doors and my legs around Optimuse's waist. Our lips were connected and I knew exactly where we were going with his. 

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