Part 17: Taking Over The Ship

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Bumblebee's POV

I was holding Riley close as tears kept on coming and coming when suddenly a bright blue light appeared all around her. The light was so bright and so powerful that it made me close my eyes. But as the light disappeared I saw Riley's hand moving and her eyes slowly opened. 

Me: "Riley!" 

Riley: "Bumblebee." 

I was about to hug her when I noticed that the vines on her hands were really blue. What was happening to her? 

Me: "Riley w-" 

Riley: "Move away Bumblebee." 

She pushed herself out of my arms and as she stood up she began to walk away. 

Me: "Riley?" 

Riley: "All of you stay back!" 

At that moment she began to glow blue. Spreading her hands a massive blue energy surrounded her as some kind of force lifted her in the air. 

Me: "This is incredible." 

Shane: "What the hell?"

Cade: "What is happening to her?" 

Hound: "She is excepting the power of the Primes. The power of the Allspark!" 

Optimuse's POV 

Lockdown: "Welcome back to the Knight's Temenos, Prime." 

Me: "You have disgraced it." 

I said as I slowly turned my head towards him. Then I looked around at the prison cells that were around me. 

Lockdown: "Join your fellow rebels, fugitive scum." 

He said making me look back at him. 

Lockdown: "It's for the rarest of specimens. The worst of the worst. It's taken centuries, but I've collected all the knights but you." 

In that moment he smashed his hook against my leg and began to pull me toward the open cell. He threw me at the machine that grabbed my leg and pulled me up in the air. The machine locked my legs tight. 

Lockdown: "The creators want to sweep their chessboard clean." 

Me: "I'm a slave to no one." 

Lockdown: "All these species mixing with species. It upsets the cosmic balance. They build you to do what you were told. Your daughter is one of them. But she is also the first mix creation that came from a Prime. As much as creators, don't like it they want her." 

With that, he locked the prison cell and left. 

Me: "You will never get her." 

Riley's POV 

Cade: "Why hasn't it taken off yet?" 

He asked as his eyes didn't look away from Lockdown's ship. 

Me: "It's descending. Come on guys! We must not let the leave." 

All Autobots began to drive faster. Coming on the bridge that was just next to the ship Bumblebee stopped in front of the dance and I quickly stepped out of him.

Shane: "How will we get in?" 

He asked as Bumblebee, Hound, and Crosshair transformed into their original forms. Looking over the bridge I saw that the ship was slowly rising from the ground. 

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