Part 18: Lucky Charm

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Riley's POV 

I didn't know where we were going for sure, but as we came to a weird-looking room I stop myself in the middle of it so I could look around. I was standing between nine swords that were in the middle of the room. There were four statues of Transformers knights on each wall. Who were those guys? 

This room was hiding something from us. Why were nine swords in the middle of an ordinary room? I placed my hand on the sword that was in the middle and pushed it lightly. The sword moved and the statues began to transform. 

Shane: "Wow." 

The statues were only the covers for the walls that got removed and we saw a display of many different weapons. 

Cade: "Weapons! Come on help me." 

Both of them run up to the wall. As they were trying to get us the weapons I kept guard. I knew that I could easily fight the Cybertroanians with my powers but I was saving them for someone else. Cade and Shane brought me a sword and even taught it the sword was heavy I was able to hold and fight with it. We quickly went against the wall as the lasers came into the room. 

Shane: "What is that?" 

Cade: "I don't know." 

Me: "You guys ready?" 

Both of them nodded and at that moment a laser was pointed at Cade's neck. 

Me: "Run!" 

We began to run to the other side of the room as bullets began to fly past and above us. Taking cover behind the nine swords I looked a little from our hiding place to see the two small Cybertronians coming into the room together with a drone and tew big robots after them. 

Cade: "Alright we are not going down without a fight. They turn that corner, and we're gonna take them." 

Me: "Good plan for me." 

I said as I looked at the two men next to me. 

Cade: "You ready or you gonna bitch out on us?" 

He asked Shane who looked really terrified. 

Shane: "No, I got your back." 

Cade: "Are you ready?" 

Shane: "Absolutely." 

Cade: "Don't bitch on us are you really ready?" 

Shane: "Yeah." 

At that moment Shane picked himself up and placed his hands in the air together with his gun. 

Shane: "I am surrendering! Okay? I surrender!" 

What the hell?!? At that moment he let go of the gun and it went off. The blaster hit one Cybertronian killing him and making the other three step back. Shane quickly went back to the hiding place next to me with his eyes winded in shock. 

Shane: "I am so sorry! I am so, so, so sorry!" 

Cade: "What did you do? How'd you do that?" 

Shane: "I have no idea!" 

He yelled as Cade pointed his gun at him. 

Cade: "You no-good, chickenshit little rat!" 

He yelled as he was trying to figure out how the gun worked. 

Me: "Give me this." 

I took a gun from him and activated it then I returned the gun to him. 

Cade: "How did you do that?" 

Me: "I am married to a transformer. I know how to use their guns." 

Cade: "Look at that! You see that?" 

He asked Shane with a big smile on his face but then he shoot the gun and the beast flew past us directly at the wall next to Shane. 

Cade: "You stay here, Lucky Charm." 

Together Cade and I stood up and as Cade began to shoot at the big transformer I ran up the two little ones and before they could even see me I cut them in half with the sword. Thank you, Optimus for sword training. Another pair of small Cybertronians came to the room together with a big one behind them. Before all of them could start attacking Cade shoot the big one down making the two little ones run away in fear. 

Me: "Great job." 

Cade: "Oh, man. I am so gonna patent this shit." 

We began to look for Tessa again. 

Cade: "Tessa!" 

Voice: "Dad! Help me!" 

Quickly stopping myself I looked up. Her voice was heard from above us. 

Cade: "Hey!" 

Shane: "Tessa!" 

Me: "This way." 

I led them to the hallway and as I saw another small robot rolling towards us I peppered my sword and swung it hard cutting the robot in half. Cade shoot another one as Shane took cover behind us. Not everyone was made for war. 

Me: "Come on!" 

Cade: "Move! Move! Move!" 

We ran up some stairs and the moment we came on top of them I saw Tessa running towards us. 

Cade: "Tessa!" 

He spread his hands thinking his daughter will run and hug him. But she ran into Shane's arms. 

Tessa: "Shane, I love you! You saved me!" 

Shane: "I know." 

He said as they gave each other a big hug making Cade roll his eyes. 

Tessa: "Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. You saved me." 

Cade: "Oh, yeah he saved you. Yeah. I think you and Mr. "I Surender" have a lot to catch up on above, sweetie. He saved me, too. You should have seen him in there. Our hero. Let's go. Now." 

He took hold of his daughter's hand and began to drag her alone. Shane and I quickly followed them. We needed to find Optimus. Maybe Autobots found him by now. I needed to contact them. 

Optimus's POV 

The moment I heard my Autobots on the other side of the doors I began to call them. 

Me: "Hound!" 

Hound: "He's alive!" 

Crosshair: "Hold on, boss, we are coming!" 

Me: "The arms of this Knight Ship detach! We can break free! It's a separate ship!" 

The doors of my cage opened and there I saw standing Crosshair and Hound. Hound went on his knees so he could get inside the cage with me. 

Hound: "Where's the cockpit? Right or left?" 

Me: "Right!" 

Hound: "I am on it, boss!" 

Me: "Where is Riley?" 

Crosshair: "She went looking for you and the girl with Cade and the other guy. But do not worry about her boss. She is alright." 

He said with a smirk I did understand. It meant that something happened. 

Me: "What happened Crosshair?" 

I asked as Hound got my leg out of the lock. 

Crosshair: "She did it sir. She expected her full powers."

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