Part 15: No More To Give

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Riley's POV 

He found us. 

Lockdown turned his head into a gun as he continued to walk towards us. He turned his gun towards me and I knew that he was about to shoot a rocket. I was trying to push myself up but my legs weren't moving. I was unable to move! What was happening?! Lockdown shot and the rocket began to fly toward me at an incredible speed. 

Optimus: "NO!" 

Before the rocket could hit me, Optimus jumped in front of me and he was sent flying back to the car the moment the rocket hit him in the chest. I let out a scream as I felt his pain. In horror, I looked back at him and I saw that he was really hurt. 

Me: "Optimus!" 

Hearing Lockdown approaching I looked back at him and saw that he was almost in front of me. I looked back at my husband.

Me: "Optimus get up! Come on get up!"

Optimus: "Riley..."

Tessa: "Guys get up!" 

I could feel that Optimus wasn't going to get up. He was in too much pain. I was trying to give him my energy but he was rejecting it.

Me: "Kill me Lockdown! Not him!"

I yelled as I looked up at him. Lockdown was standing just in front of me looking down at me with his green eyes.

Lockdown: "Riley Witwicky. The human that killed Megatron, became the one with the Matrix of Leadership and became a mate with Prime himself. I heard a lot about you."

Me: "Leave my family alone Lockdown. If you have to kill someone kill me and leave them."

Lockdown: "I am not here for you girl. I came here for your mate and your daughter."

Optimus: "You w-will never get h-her."

Lockdown looked at him and began to walk towards him.

Me: "Don't touch him..."

Lockdown: "I feel sorry for you Prime. Your allegiance to these humans."

He said as he went down on one knee next to my husband.

Lockdown: "The trouble with loyalty to a cause is that the cause will always betray you. If I had a choice I would kill you, your mate, and your daughter. But I have to bring you to her."

Me: "Her?"

Optimus: "Who sent you?"

Lockdown: "Where do you think you came from? Do you think you were born? No. You were built. And your creators want you back. You and your daughter who is the perfect experiment of you and the human girl you claim to love. The crater will study her." 

Me: "She will never have her! Who is she?! What does she want?!" 

Lockdown: "We all work for someone." 

At that moment a smaller ship was detected from the giant ship that came above us. It flew above Optimus and threw a gain net over him. He was going to take him. 


Cade: "Tessa!" 

Shane: "No! No!" 

Optimus: "Riley...Blue.." 

Me: "No, no, no!" 

The net came over and it started to drag Optimus away together with Tessa who was hiding in the car. Cade and Shane ran past me and they run up the car trying to get Tessa out. 

Cade: "Tessa get out!" 

Shane: "Come on babe!" 

Tessa: "Help me please!" 

A scream of pain left me as I pushed myself off the ground and began to use my powers. I began to pull Optimus and Tessa back and that made the ship stop moving. 

Me: "Optimus take my energy! Fight it! Fight him, my love!" 

Optimus: "Riley I can't let you. I'm...sorry."

Me: "No, no, no!" 

At that moment a shoot was fired from the warship and it hit the ground in front of me sending me flying back. 

Optimus: "RILEY!" 

Hitting the ground I immediately began to push myself up and use my powers. I began to pull the ship back again. Cade jumped on the net while trying to get Tessa out of the car. 

Cade: "Tessa! Break the glass! Break the glass and get out!" 

Tessa: "I'm trying!" 

Cade: "Tessa I can't hold on!" 

At that moment I was sent flying again and this time I hit my head hard against the road. 

Optimus: "Riley stop! Stop!" 

I pushed myself up but as I wanted to use my powers again my legs gave in and I fell on my knees. Something could begin to run down my right cheek and as I looked down I saw drops of blood on the hot cement. Cade lost his grip and he fell on the hard ground. 

Optimus: "Cade, warn the Autobots!" 


Cade: "NO!" 

My vision became red but I was still trying to push myself back. They can't take him. I can't let it happen. No, no, no. I lost him so many times before please don't. 

Me: "Optim-" 

My hands gave in and my eyes closed. 

Bumblebee's POV 

Me: "RILEY!" 

The moment I came running up to her I fell down next to her and placed her on my hands. 


Her eyes were closed as a trace of blood that came from her head ran past her right eye. 


I yelled as tears began to roll down my cheeks. I gently touched her cheek as my lips came close to her ear. 

Me: "You need to wake up Riley. Optimus needs you. Blue needs you. I need you." 

I whispered in her eyes then I pulled her more to me so I could place my head on top of hers and my hands around her. I can't lose her. Blue needs her. We all need her. 


( I am sorry guys for my decision ) 

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