Part 23: Dinobots

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Riley's POV

The moment we came to Hound who was waiting for us at the bottom of the building I heard Cade calling us. Looking to my right I saw him running towards us together with Bumblebee in his original form.

Cade: "Riley where is Tessa?"

Me: "Here."

I nodded towards her and the moment Cade came to her they hugged.

Tessa: "Dad!"

I looked at Bumblebee.

Me: "You okay?"

Bumblebee: "As ever."

Joshua approached me.

Joshua: "We got a real dilemma here. Okay? I created incredible robots. It's all designed to kick that fat Transformer's ass."

He said as he pointed his thumb at Hound who was standing behind him.

Joshua: "So, really, this is a no-win situation. It's over."

With that Hound threw his mental cigar at Joshua making him fall down on his knees.

Hound: "That was mean."

Joshuacc quickly picked himself up then he turned his body towards Hound in anger.

Joshua: "I'm sorry if you can't handle the cold-hearted truth!"

Me: "Hound if we don't stop the Decepticons I am letting you kill him."

Joshua quickly looks back at me with his eyes big.

Me: "Slowly."

I said and his eyes got even bigger.

Optimuse's POV

Me: "Riley can you hear me?"

Riley: "Really badly Opti-mus."

Me: "What's happening?"

Riley: "We-we are b-being attacked by Decepticons from all over and-"

I lost the connection with her once more.

Me: "They are in trouble."

Crosshair: "Agh this isn't our fight! I'm done being the underdog. Underdogs suck! I say let them get what they deserve. What's the plan, Prime?"

Me: "It's time for reinforcement."

I said as I turned my body towards him and gently placed Blue who was on my right hand to Drift who gently took her. I turned around and began to approach the ship. I did not know if this was a good idea but we needed them. Coming to the ship where the sword was waiting for me I approached it.

Me: "Recognize one of your Knights."

Taking a good hold of the sword I used all my powers to pull it out. I ran to the prisoners and cut some of the chains off making Grimlock growl.

Me: "The legends exist."

Riley's POV

Bumblebee and Hound were driving in front of us trying to get us threw the crowd of panic people when suddenly a feeling I knew well came over me.

Me: "STOP!"

They stopped and at that moment rockets began to hit the ground not far away from where they could have been.

Cade: "Come on we got to move!"

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