Part 4: Right Thing To Do

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Riley's POV 

Cade: "What happened to you?" 

He asked Optimus as he stepped a little bit closer together with Tessa behind him. The other guy stayed back. 

Optimus: ''An ambush. Set by humans. And they weren't alone.'' 

Tessa: ''But you're on our side. Why would humans hunt you?'' 

Me: "They blame us for the war in Chicago. Even taught they turned their back on us we stayed and helped stop Decepticons. We lost so many just because we wanted to help." 

I could never forget the day that I lost Ironhide. He saved my life without thinking twice and there was nothing that I could do save him. The blame for his losing his life for me was still there even taught it has been 5 years.  

Me: "They also want..."

I looked at Blue who was playing with a robot dog.

Cade: ''Why would they want to hurt a little girl?''

Me: "As I said before. We are not humans."

Tessa: "You are a transformer too?"

Me: "It's hard to explain."

Suddenly feeling weakness indie Optimuses spark I looked at him. Before he could fall I took a hold of him.

Optimus: "Riley..."

Me: "It's okay Optimus. Sit down."

Blue: "What's wrong daddy, mommy?"

She asked as she came running up to us with a worried look.  

Me: "It's okay Blue." 

I helped Optimus seat on the old green sofa nearby. I placed my hand on top of his spark to see what was wrong with my husband. 

Tessa: "What's wrong with him?" 

Me: "My powers are healing him but because of so much damage it will take some time until he will feel fully better. You can't change back into your original form in the mean time Optimus."   

Optimus: "The Autobots... is there any news about them?"

I looked at Blue then I looked at Optimus shaking my head "no". 

Optimus: "I must get up. I need to lead them. You guys need family needs me." 

He tried to stand up but I placed both of my hands on his chest stopping him. 

Me: "You need to wait Optimus. It's too dangerous for you to transform back. You can get hurt. You protected me from the pain. Not let me protect you until you feel better."

He looked at me and our eyes meet. He went threw all this pain alone so I could not feel it. But this was not just his burn it was mine as well. 

Cade: "Hey you guys can stay here until he feels better."

I looked back at him in shock.

Me: "You want to help us?"

Optimus: "Why?"

Cade looked back at his daughter and then back at us.

Cade: "Because it's the right thing to do." 

I looked at Optimus. He only needed a few hours before he will be fully rested. After that, we can leave as far away as possible. I looked back at Cade and Tessa.

Me: "We apposite our help. Thank you." 

Tessa: "We have food if you guys would want some."

Blue: "I want some food!"

She said as she ran to Tessa with a smile.

 Tessa: "Sure. I baked muffins yesterday. Do you like muffins?"

Blue nodded.

Me: "What do you say Blue?"

Blue looked at me then she looked back at Tessa.

Blue: "Can I please have a muffin?"

Tessa: "Sure."

I trusted Tessa to take Blue inside the house to get her muffin and as Cade went to calm his friend down I took a seat next to Optimus on the sofa. 

Me: "I am so sorry that I couldn't find you sooner." 

Optimus: "As long as you and Blue are safe." 

Me: "Who is after us Optimus? Who attacked you?"

Optimus: "Lockdown."

 Me: "Shit." 

I learned who Lockdown was just a few days before they found us. We didnt knew a lot about him but he has been serching for Optimus for a long time. My hand went threw my hair making me look away from him. 

Optimus: "I will not let him get you or Blue." 

Me: "You know that I am not worried about myself. But I am worried for Blue. This year has been a total nightmare but she always wakes up with a smile." 

Optimus: "I didn't want this kind of life for her Riley. But she is strong as her mother." 

Me: "And stubborn as her dad."

I said as I looked at him. 

Optimus: "I dreamed of you. Threw the memories insdie my spark. I saw you and I heard your voice."

Me: "Orion." 

Placing my hand on his cheek my hand tuched his beard that grew in this few months since I last saw him. He placed his hand around me and by pulling me closer to him I lined in and kissed him on the lisp. Hearing steps I removed my lips to see Blue running up to us with a muffin in her small hand. 

Blue: "Mommy! Daddy!" 

As she came running up to us I picked her up and placed her on my lap. 

Me: "Is the muffing good?" 

Blue: "Yeah. Here try it." 

Me: "No, no you eat sweetheart." 

Blue: "Here daddy tries it." 

Optimus: "Eat little one. You will need your strength." 

Tessa came to us with a bag and planet full of muffins. 

Tessa: "I packed some of the food for a road." 

Me: "You don't need to do this." 

Tessa: "But you guys need it. Blue needs it." 

She said as she placed the bag on the table together with the muffins. Placing Blue on Optimu's lap I stood up and approach Tessa. 

Me: "Can I..." 

She nodded and I took one more step toward her so...I could hug her. She hugged me back and for a moment I closed my eyes. It has been so long since I saw and felt human kindness. Many times I forgot that I used to be a human. 

Tessa: "I will leave you guys to rest." 

I nodded and as she left I took a seat back next to Optimus. Blue who already eaten her muffin placed her hands on Optimuses chest and slowly closed her eyes. Optimus placed his strong hands around her and kissed her on top of her head. 

Optimus: "Rest little one. Daddy is here and he will never leave you again." 

I gently placed my hand on Blues head and as she fallen asleep I sood back up and went to take two muffins for Optimus and myself. 

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