Part 3: Your Riley

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Riley's POV 

Cade: ''Are you guys hungry?'' 

Tessa: ''I can make something.'' 

Me: ''May I see the truck?'' 

I asked as I placed Blue on the ground. 

Cade: ''Yeah, sure it's only a truck.'' 

With my hand still holding Blue's left hand, I began to walk towards the barn. 

Tessa: ''Is something wrong?'' 

With each step that I took toward the barn, the hope inside of me was rising. I was hoping I was right and this wasn't only in my head. Stepping to the closed doors I looked down at Blue.

Me: ''Wait here.'' 

She nodded. I pushed the barn doors open and step forwards. I got my powers ready just in case it was a Decepticon and not him. At the end of the barn, I saw an old and rusty truck. 

Blue: ''Mommy?'' 

I looked back to see her standing by the doors. 

Me: ''Stey there Blue.'' 

I looked back forwards and slowly began to approach the truck. By the looks of the truck, I could see that it went threw a lot. Bullet holes were almost everywhere you looked. Stopping in front of it my hand began to rise. If it was him I will hear him. 

Me: '' him...'' 

The moment that I touched the truck I closed my eyes and listened. I was listening and listening...when I heard a spark. His spark. I opened my eyes and took a step back. It was him. 

Me: ''Optimus.'' 

I could not believe it. After months of searching for him, I finally found him. He was in deep sleep shielding me from the pain that he was going there. 

Cade: ''Somthing wrong?'' 

I looked back to see him standing behind my daughter together with his daughter next to him and another guy with blond hair. 

Me: ''Where did you find this truck?'' 

Cade: ''I bought him a day ago.'' 

Guy: ''I borrowed him my money.'' 

Cade: ''Yes and so?'' 

Guy: ''So the truck belongs to me.'' 

Me: ''No. He doesn't belong to anyone.'' 

Tessa: ''He?'' 

Me: ''You found a transformer.'' 

Tessa: ''A what?!'' 

Cade: ''Really?'' 

Me: ''Yes.'' 

I turned towards Optimus again. 

Me: ''It's time for him to wake up.'' 

Placing my hand on him I closed my eyes and activated my powers again. 

Me: ''I am Riley Pax. With the power of Prime himself, I review you and wake you from your sleep Optimus Prime.'' 

I opened my eyes and saw a bright light around us. With my powers, I was trying to wake him. As the light disappeared I took a step back. 

Tessa: ''What just happened?'' 

Guy: ''ARE YOU A WITCH!?!?'' 

At that moment Optimus woke up and began to transform. I took a step back. That's when I realized that he was in his battle mode. 

Optimus: ''I'll kill you!'' 

He yelled as he transformed into his robot form and began to destroy things around him. 

Me: ''Optimus stop!'' 

He was confused and didn't know what was going on or where he was. 

Optimus: ''I will not let you get them! Never!'' 

Guy: ''Call 911!!!!'' 

Me: ''Do not call anyone! Get my daughter out of here now!!!'' 

Tessa took Blue out just as jumped to my left avoiding Optius's hand. I created a shield just as Optimus pointed his gun at me. 

Optimus: ''I will kill you! Stay back!'' 

Me: ''It's me Optimus. Riley. Your Riley.'' 

His eyes connected with mine. 

Optimus: ''Riley...'' 

Me: ''It's okay. You are safe. We are safe.'' 

Removing his gun away from me, he dropped it on the ground, and then he fell to his right knee. He was still in so much pain and I needed to help him. 

Me: ''Let me help you.'' 

I placed my hand on his hand and the powers inside of me activated once more. I was helping him with my powers. He went threw enough pain. A powerful bright light came around us making me close my eyes. Suddenly a hand took a hold of my hand making me open my eyes. There I saw him standing in front of me in his human form. His beard got a little bigger beard as his eyes looked tired. 

Me: ''Optimus.'' 

He pulled me into his arms. I begged Primes to bring us back together and now here he was, holding me in his arms. Looking up he lined in and our lips meet. 

Me: ''I missed you so much.'' 

I said as we looked at each other. 

Optimus: ''There wasn't a day that I wouldn't be thinking of you and...'' 

I looked back toward our daughter who was standing next to Tessa. She was looking at us with shock in her beautiful eyes. 

Blue: ''Daddy!!!!'' 

As fast as she could she began to run towards us. Optimus fell to his knees and caught her in his arms giving her a big hug. 

Optimus: ''Blue. My little star.'' 

Tears of happiness began to roll down my cheeks. 

Blue: ''I missed you so much, daddy.'' 

Optimus: ''I missed you too little one.'' 

Tessa: ''Excuse me. Who are you guys?'' 

I looked back at Cade, Tessa, and the guy with blond hair. Something was telling me that I could trust them and I did. 

Guy: ''Was I right? Are you a witch?'' 

Me: ''No I am not a witch. But we aren't really humans either. My name is Riley Pax. This is my husband Optimus Prime. And this is Blue our daughter.'' 

Cade: ''Prime? Pax? That means that you two are the...'' 

Me: ''Leaders of Autobots.''

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