Part 26: Honor To The End

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Optimuse's POV 

Lockdown: "Prime!" 

Strong blasts hit the bridge above me and I quickly jumped out of the way before Lockdown's hook could touch me. But suddenly I trip over something making me fall. I quickly tried to pick myself up but Lockdown smashed his hook into my back throwing me hard against the wall. He tried to stab me in the back but I pushed him back and began to fight him with my sword and shield. 

Me: "I will end you!" 

Lockdown: "You can try Prime." 

Hitting him with my shield I pushed him back then I tried to hit him with my sword. But he blocked my attack with his hook. Kicking me in the face I kicked him back sending him flying and making his back hit the wall of the building. 

I run straight into him and punch him hard in the face. He was hitting me back but I wasn't stopping. He killed so many of my friends and he was not only after me but after Blue and Riley. It's time for him to die. Grabbing him by his shoulders I threw him away from me. Lockdown quickly stood up and charged at me. Suddenly a strong blast flew past me hitting him directly. 

Riley's POV 

Me: "This is for my family." 

I connected my eyes with my husband for a short moment before sending another strong blast at Lockdown throwing him back. It was him for whom I was holding my powers back and this time I was going to use them. The time for my revenge has come. Placing my hands together for an even stronger attack a shot was heard and a bullet hit my left shoulder and the back of my left leg. 

Optimus: "RILEY!" 

Falling on the ground in pain I slowly looked back and connected my eyes with Attinger who was running towards me with his gun ready. Trying to get over the pain I picked myself up and turned around so I caught his hands and began to push him back.

Me: "You." 

Attinger: "I will end you like I ended those robots." 

Me: "They were my family." 

Attinger: "They were a piece of mental." 

Me: "They were my family!" 

Suddenly a blast came charming and I pushed Attinger back so the blast hit him and killed him. Looking to my right I saw my husband who shot the blast. I could feel Optimus feeling my wounds as the pain slowly fainted. But in that moment Lockdown jumped on Optimuse's back and hit him in the face. Then he threw him against the wall and stabbed him with his sword right into his chest. 

Me: "No!"

Hitting the ground again as the scream of my husband filled my ears. 

Lockdown: "You saved some human instead of yourself Prime. A foolish decision like the idea of family." 


Turning to look at me I began to send blasts towards him one by one. They weren't as strong as the ones before because he was too close to Optimus but as he moved out of the way I began to send stronger attacks. He shot towards me making me jump behind the cover of the broken wall. 

Just then I saw Cade, Tessa, and Shane coming with Bumblebee. I told them to stay with Dinobotos. They never listened. The moment humans were out of Bumblebee he began to drive towards Lockdown. 

Optimus: "I gave you an order!" 

He yelled at Bumblebee who drove past him and began to charge at Lockdown who began to shoot at him. Taking my chance I ran towards Optimus and began to use my powers. I began to pull the sword out of his chest making me scream in pain. 

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