Part 13: I Will Lose Control

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Riley's POV 

Optimus: "Transform!" 

All Autobots began to transform at once and I quickly found myself on Optimuses right shoulder. Taking a good hold of him, he prepared his gun and then he charged at the KSI building together with others. Before we crashed threw the glass Optimuc placed his hand over me so the glass wouldn't cut me. 

Screams of people were the moment we came threw the glass. For the first time in my life, I didn't care about people. I didn't care about my own kind because everyone that was connected with this building was my enemy. Humans were my enemy.

Autobots began to run up the stairs. We wanted answers and we wanted them now. Not later, but now. Bumblebee went to get Cade as we went to the laboratory which was in the basement of the building. The moment we came down there Crosshair began to shoot in the air making people run and scream once more. 

Optimus: "Get out!! All of you!"

Hound: "Science fair is ower, meatbags!"

Optimus: "Autobots destroy the lab! Destroy it all!"

All of them began to destroy everything that came on their way. Seeing a robot that resembled a transformer Crosshair began to shoot at it and killed it immediately. They really were doing their own transformers.

Voice: "Hey! Hey!" 

Hearing a voice behind us I looked back and saw a man with a bald head walking towards us. I immediately recognized him. He was the owner of KSI. Joshua Joyce. Hound kicked some mental boxes destroying more stuff.

Joshua: "Hey stop!"

Me: "Put me down." 

Optimus placed his hand under my feet and after stepping on his hand he carefully placed me on the ground. I began to walk towards the man with my fist clenched together.

Joshua: "That's company property!"

Optimus: "They are not your property!"

Me: "They were my family!"

I yelled as I came to him and grabbed him by his shirt. I was boiling with rage. They took so much from me. The guy fixed his glasses with his shaky hand but he did not look away from me.  

Voice: "Oh, you aren't talking much now that the Queen of Autobots has you in her hands!" 

Said the voice I recognized but I didn't look away from the man. 

Joshua: "Come on then. Show us your true colors, once and for all." 

Hearing his words I became even more angry. 

Hound: "Don't waste your powers on this guy you majesty. Let me blow him up." 

Joshua: "Why don't you tell Itchy Fingers here that this is all the spoils of war? Dead mental. Innovation." 

He said as he looked past me at my husband. 

Joshua: "What we do here is science. Because if we don't do it, somebody else will. Because you cannot stop technology!" 

Optimus: "We are not your technology!" 

He yelled as he kicked a broken part past Joshua and me destroying some glass. Joshua flinched a little. 

Me: "You and your kind forgot something. Autobots sacrificed their lives for a war they did not start. Decepticons did." 

Joshua: "My kind? What about you kind Miss Prime? You are not human anymore?" 

Me: "You don't know me and you don't know my story." 

Hound: "Kill him, your majesty." 

Joshua: "I broke the code. I own your whole genome." 

Optimus: "The world will know what you're doing here." 

Joshua: "The world? The world will approve. We can make you now. Don't you get it? We don't need you anymore." 

Realizing him he took a step back away from me. 

Hound: "That was cruel." 

Me: "If you don't need Autobots anymore why are you killing them and not letting them live? And the question I really want to know is why is the one that you are working with after our daughter?" 

His brown eyes focused on me for a moment. 

Joshua: "After your daughter? What are y-" 

I stepped one step towards him and looked him dead in the eyes. 

Me: "If something happens to my daughter I swear to you I will lose control and not even my mate will be able to stop me." 

I turned around and began to walk away from him. 

Optimus: "Autobots we're down." 

Brains: "We're done? We're not gonna kick a little bit of ass?" 

Coming to Optimus he picked me up and placed me back on his shoulder. 

Me: "We need to go now." 

I said as I felt a bad feeling coming over me again. 

Optimus: "Aubotos come on." 

The moment we came out Optimus changed back into his vehicle form and together with others, he began to drive away as fast as he could. 

Me: "Optimus please send Drift. He needs to take Blue away from here." 

Optimus: "I already did. What are you feeling?" 

Me: "I feel something I haven't felt since..." 

Optimus: "Since?" 

Me: "The battle of Chicago." 

The moment we came to the highway Bumblebee and Crosshair began to drive behind us as Hound began to drive after them. We were getting close. I could feel it. 

Me: "Optimus something is coming." 

What is this feeling? Who's energy was I feeling? 

Optimus: "Autobots get ready." 

Me: "Guys if something happens keep Blue safe. Keep her safe." 

Bumblebee: "Riley what are you-" 

Me: "Bumblebee you promised." 

Optimus: "Autobots someone is approaching." 

Looking forward I saw a big grey truck driving toward us on opposed roar together with the red car next to it. They were not vehicles. They send their transformers after us. 

Optimus: "Autobots." 

Me: "Guys you promised." 

For a few seconds, there was a silence. 

Drift: "We will look after her as we promised." 

Crosshair: "We will not let them get her." 

Bumblebee: "We will protect her until she will need us." 

At that moment the truck began to transform. Before I realized what was happening it came on our road without touching the fence. It jumped over in a really weird form. As it changed into its original form it destroyed a truck that was almost past it. Then the transformer cut the car that came in front of it with a sword. The moment robot looked up I recognized his eyes. 

Me: "Megatron."  

I was feeling him. 

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