Part 6: The Attach

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Riley's POV 

Optimus changed into his original form and as he was holding me and Blue against his chest with his left hand he raised from the hole and began to attack soldiers inside the barn. I was holding Blue in my arms, using my powers to shield her from bullets and keep her calm. 

Jumping out of the barn Optimus took his gun and began to shoot soldiers all around.

Optimus: "Here I am!"

Me: "Cade! Tessa!" 

I was looking around and saw them hiding behind the tree next to the house.

Optimus: "Cade! They are going to kill you!"

Me: "Run now!"

Soldiers began to shoot back at Optimus so I used my powers and sent a blast toward them sending them flying. Suddenly Optimus jumped out of the way before the rocket from the helicopter could hit us. I could feel Lockdown near so we needed to move.

Me: "We need to go now! Where are they?" 

I looked around for Cade when I saw him, Tessa, and Lucas running on the field. Just then their house exploded as two missiles hit it. A lot of smoke surrounded us making Optimus cover me and Blue more with his hand. As the smoke cleared a little I saw Cade, Tessa, and Lucas jumping in the sports car. 

Me: "Optimus it's time for us to go."

Optimus: "Hold on!" 

He began to run and transform into his vehicle form. Fully in his vehicle form, I placed Blue sitting next to me so Optimus could put a seatbelt around her. Suddenly rocket from the helicopter began to fly past us. They were trying to stop us. Optimus wanted to put a seatbelt around me as well but I stopped him. I gave Blue her toy car to keep her distracted. 

Me: "Optimus placed the window down."  

He placed the window on my left down and I claimed half out and turned towards the helicopter flying behind us. I pointed my right hand at the helicopter and activated my power. A strong blast of blue power flew directly at the helicopter destroying it. Then I blasted two more cars that were behind us. I got back in and Optimus placed a seatbelt around me.

Me: "We need to go after Cade. They are following them."

Optimus: "I'm on it." 

Coming onto another road Optimus began to drive after the way they went.

Me: "They will never leave us."

Optimus: "Riley I..."

Blue: "Where are we going?"

Suddenly a terrible feeling came over me.

Optimus: "We have company."

Looking into the rare mirror I saw Lockdown driving on the road next to us at great speed.  Anger began to rise inside of me from the sigh of that monster. He killed Sideswipe. He ruined my family. I was about to send a good blast at him but his road disappeared under ours and I lost sight of him. But I felt his dark spark near. 

Optimus drove off the road and as we came around the building I looked into the rare mirror to see Lockdown driving at full speed after us. 

Me: "Now Optimus!" 

I took Blue in my arms and Optimus began to transform. The second he placed me on the ground I began to run with Blue in my embrace. Looking back I saw lockdown transforming and he began to fight Optimus. I was running as fast as I could. 

Lockdown: "You are not going anywhere, Riley!"  

Optimus: "RILEY!" 

Feeling a blast coming I turned around and created a shield around myself and Blue just at the moment before the blast could hit us. Optimus kicked Lockdown away and I sent a good blast toward him sending him flying against the empty building. Optimus came running up to us and he carefully picked us up.

He placed us on his right shoulder. With my left around Blue I took a hold of him with my right hand and he began to climb the building next to us. 

Blue: "I'm scared!" 

Me: "It's okay darling. Mommy and daddy are protecting-" 

Just then I saw Lockdown climbing the building right after Optimus and he was trying to grab him. Optimus kicked him in the face and as he came to the top of the building he began to run. Hearing cars I looked down the building to see Cade, Tessa, and Lucas inside the race car that was being followed by agent cars. 

I was going to help them with my powers when I saw Lockdown from the corner of my eye. With great speed, Optimus turned around and grab a hold of a hook next to him. He threw the book around Lockdown's head and pulled the rope. Lockdown fell off the building and he began to chook. Optimus turned around and began to run again. 

Jumping down the building he began to transform and he carefully placed me and Blue on his seat. We began to look for Cade and others and soon we found them in the ally with their car broken. Optimus opened his doors on my left. 

Me: "Come on!" 

Cade, Tessa, and another guy began to run toward us but Lucas his leg got stuck. As he got out of the car I saw Lockdown on top of the building. 

Cade: "Lucas above you!" 

Suddenly I saw Lockdown throwing a granate toward them. 

Cade: "Run!" 

The granite hit the ground and it began to destroy everything in its path. As much as he was trying Lucas was too late to escape it. The only thing that was left of him was his bones. Blue began to turn her head but before she could see it I covered her eyes with my hand stopping her. With Cade, Tessa, and other guys inside the Optimus, Optimus began to drive. 

As we were out of the city I placed my back against the seat and gently kissed my daughter on the head. 

Tessa: "Lucas, we just left him." 

Me: "I'm sorry but he's gone."

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