Part 16: Letting Go

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Riley's POV 

Opening my eyes I found myself sitting on the gentle grass and as I looked around I saw that I was back home. At my first home. The home where I grew up. How much I missed this place. Sam and my parents. 

Voice: "It's something wrong Riley?" 

Asked a voice next to me and as I turned to look to my right I saw Optimus in his human form, sitting next to me. I immediately saw how different he was. He didn't look tired or worried. He looked calm and healthy. With no worries on his mind. 

Me: "No...nothing is wrong." 

I answered but I did not know why I answered that. Everything was wrong. Megatron was back and Lockdown...

Optimus: "You seem cold. Here take my jacket." 

Me: "Oh no it's fine don't-" 

Before I could protest he took off his jacket which I loved so much and placed it around my shoulders. This reminded me of something. The memory... 

Me: "Thank you." 

I said as I looked at him with a smile.  could feel butterflies dancing in my stomach as he smiled back at me. I didn't know what to say. Having a boyfriend was still a little new to me. Boyfriend? He was my husband. 

Optimus: "How are you feeling?" 

He asked making me look down at my legs. As I looked at my bare knees I noticed that I didn't have a scar under my left knee which I got after the battle in Chicago. Where was it? 

Me: "I'm okay. But if I am completely honest I still can't believe that I am alive." 

I said as I turned to look at him. Optimus placed his hand over my hand and took hold of it. 

Optimus: "Giving up your life for me was something I never wanted for anyone. I don't deserve your sacrifice, Riley." 

Me: "No don't ever say that Optimus. You and Autobotsh did everything to protect us from Decepticons. If there weren't for you we all would probably be gone by now." 

I said as I turned my body towards him. Our eyes met and I went on my knees and placed my right hand on his cheek. 

Me: "If I could do it again I would. I would sacrifice my life again and again just to make sure you that are alright Optimus." 

Optimus: "Riley-" 

Before he could continue I placed a kiss on his lips. His hands came around me and he set me on his lap. As we removed our lips I could feel one single tear rolling down my cheek. He brushed it off with his thumb then he looked into my eyes again. 

Optimus: "I love you, Riley." 

Me: "And I love you Optimus Prime." 

I said then we connected our lips into one more magical kiss. 

How could this kiss feel so real if this was only a dream? 

Opening my eyes I found myself somewhere else. I was in an unknown white space. Where was I? What was this? Suddenly feeling something I looked to my right and saw a dart arrow flying past me and it hit a target right in the middle. The room suddenly changed into a familiar bar I used to go to with Mikaela. But the last time I was here I was with... 

Ironhide: "Right in the middle as always!" 

He walked past me and took the three arrows out of the target. All of them were in the middle. Turning back towards me he approached me and offered me his arrows. 

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