Part 7: Don't Let Go

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Riley's POV 

After a few hours of driving Optimus stopped at the old gas station. He wanted to make sure that we were not followed so after letting us out he went to look around for any enemies. Placing Blue on the ground I looked at the way he left. He was really worried about Blue and me so he wasn't going far. 

Shane: "So we're hiding out now? That's the plane? We are taking orders from a truck?" 

Me: "The truck is my husband." 

I said as I looked at him, making his eyes wind in shock. 

Cade: "Do you have any better idea?" 

He asked as he looked back at him. But he noticed Shane and Tessa standing together with Shane's hand around her. Cade turned around and began to walk toward them. 

Cade: "Hey, move away from her kid. Don't...." 

He came between them and pulled them apart. He took Tessa's hand and they stepped into the glass station. As all of us were in the station Blue took a seat behind the table and began to play with her toy car. 

I took a seat on the nearest chair and then my hands went threw my hair. This wasn't the first time Lockdown almost got us but it sure was terrifying how close he was to Blue. 

Tessa: "Well, bright side, you guys met." 

She said making me look at her. She was sitting on the counter playing with light as Shane was standing on the other side of the counter looking at Cade who was glaring at him from the other side of the room. 

Cade: "Where is he from?" 

Tessa: "I told you, he's a driver from Texas." 

Cade: "Texas? Where, Dublin, Texas? Shamrock, Texas? So why does he sound like a leprechaun?" 

Shane: "You'd get your ass kicked in Ireland for saying that." 

Cade: "Well, we're not in Ireland, Lucky Charms. We're in Texas. And so he drives? What do you mean he drives? Like for living?" 

Tessa: "Yes. At least he makes a living." 

Cade: "Thank you." 

Shane: "Look, I race rally cars. One driver. One navigator. Her. By the way, I'm totally legit. I just got picked up by Red Bull. And just so you know, my life savings was in that car back there." 

Cade: "This is not happening." 

Shane: "Oh it definitely is." 

Cade looked at him then he looked at Tessa who nodded her head. Cade stood up and began to approach the counter Shane was sitting behind. 

Cade: "How old are you?" 

Shane: "20." 

Cade: "She is a 17-year-old girl. So we can work this two ways. One, I punch you right in the mouth and you call the police on me." 

Tessa: "Dad." 

Cade: "Or two, I just call the cops on you because this is illegal. She's a minor." 

Shane: "We're protected by the Rome and Juliet laws." 

Tessa: "We dated for a little while I was a sophomore, and he was a senior. It's fine." 

Cade: "No it's not fine." 

Shane: "We've got a preexisting juvenile foundational relationship. Statute 2705-3." 

Cade: "What?" 

Shane open his wallet and showed him a paper. 

Cade: "That's a real law?" 

Shane: "Yes." 

Cade hooked his head. 

Cade: "Romeo and Juliet huh? You know how those two end up?" 

Tessa: "In love." 

Cade: "Dead. Do your parents know about this? Is your dad okay with you dating a 17-year-old girl?" 

Shane: "He took off when I was 5, but if I will ever see him again I will ask." 

Cade approach Tessa. 

Cade: "You know, Tessa, I trusted you." 

Tessa: "To what? Never have fun, take a risk, and be a normal teenager like you." 

Cade: "I am your father, okay? And I have been busting my ass to take care of you." 

Tessa: "Is that what you were doing when you brought back the truck? Now Lucas is dead and my life is over. Thank you." 

With that, she jumped off the counter and went outside. Cade placed his hands against the counter as Shane look away. I stood up and looked back at Blue who was still playing. 

Me: "Syat here darling." 

She looked up at me and nodded her head. I approach Cade and placed my hand on his shoulder. 

Me: "I will talk to her. Okay?" 

He nodded a little then I followed Tessa outside. I found her walking up and down with her hands crossed. 

Me: "Hey. You want to talk?" 

I asked as I approach her and she looked at me. 

Tessa: "He is just so difficult. Why can't he trust me?" 

By the throne of her voice, I could hear that she was really angry and disappointed. I was like that when I was 17. 

Me: "He is just like any other caring father Tessa. He's worried about you." 

Tessa: "I know that he is. But I can make my own decisions." 

Me: "I know what you mean. I was like you when I was 17." 

Tessa: "How old are you?" 

Me: "25." 

Tessa: "You don't look like 25." 

Me: "That's what happens when you marry a transformer. You age but slowly." 

Tessa: "Maybe I should marry one as well." 

We laughed a little and I could see that she calmed down a little bit. 

Me: "I understand that your life isn't easy Tessa. You lost your home and a friend. But you still have your dad who cares about you. And Shane of course. You know when my parents learned about me and Optimus they were happy but really worried. I never saw them so worried before.  Instead of college, their daughter chooses a gun. But after they saw how much it meant to me and what I was prepared to do for love they had to let me go." 

Tessa: "Are they..." 

Me: "They are gone. Together with" 

Tessa: "I am so sorry Riley. I really am." 

Me: "Don't be. I still have Optimus, Blue, and other Autobots. But please Tessa doesn't let go of your dad too soon. You never know how much time you have left with them until they are gone." 

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