Still Not Convinced.

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Tanya and Mia have been together for around fifteen years. They were always drawn to the weird. Mia happens to be the firm believer in all things that go bump in the night. The couple knew each other through school, but they didn't give into how they felt about each other until Tanya finished university. Mia on the other hand didn't go to university, she decided on focusing on searching for proof that life after death exists. Tanya was still at university unbeknownst to Mia she was studying parapsychology. The couple met after Tanya graduated. Mia and her band of ghost hunters needed to seek out a parapsychologist to help them, Mia didn't know that Tanya would be the person she would run into. Mia after weeks of looking around haunted locations finally gave into their feelings, they did so at the behest of Rhys, he had watched how the couple flirted outrageously with each other. Rhys was quite sick of it, they never flirted in the usual way, they bickered and bantered. It eventually exploded into an argument. Rhys began by saying.

"Will you two stop teasing each other, can't you see how you both feel. It's evident to all of all us and quite frankly it's annoying."

"Woah there, Rhys. What business is it of yours?"

"It's not just my business, though Tanya. It affects all of us. You're making all of us uncomfortable and we take this seriously."

"Maybe you're right, Rhys. I certainly don't want to make you guys feel uncomfortable. This is something for Mia and i to talk about alone."

"Great, now let's wrap up here and you two can take this home."

Tanya and Mia looked at each other and continued the rest of the evening collecting data and what Mia firmly calls evidence, Tanya on the other hand doesn't quite call it proof, she calls it data.

A month or so after that investigation, they finally went on a date, they soon became a couple. Like some couples they moved in quickly and were a force to be reckoned with. The couple had baggage from their pasts, exes that poked their noses in from time to time, this didn't drive them apart, it only pushed them further into each other's arms.

Their friends were more relieved than happy as their last spat spoiled the evidence from the last few investigations. Benjamin came to Mia with a house he had seen while working on it. Mia had asked him what? Benjamin had a day job, he had a business in construction and renovations. Benjamin had been on a job two hours away from Manchester their home town. The house was in Anglesey in Wales. Mia asked him what he might've seen?

"It has this pungent smell, my team even smelled it. We even looked around the property for a dead body, a dead animal even. There was nothing there."

"Did you hear anything? Like sounds, disembodied voices? Did your employees?"

"They heard nothing, neither did i. What was strange though, is we didn't have the manifest of who ordered the work. We had an email, that was it. I don't think the house is haunted something stranger is going on?"

"We shall check it out, although we will need to wait until you've finished the work, besides we have a couple of other houses and an abandoned hospital to check first."

Benjamin and his team finished the house, but they left little things undone so he had an excuse to go back once they've handed the keys over to the owners.

The team continued on the places they could go to. They had an abandoned hospital just outside of Manchester, The Barnes Hospital in Cheadle. There was many reports from it, they had done many abandoned places but none with this reputation. Mia told Tanya about the location and she told her she had heard of it and it might have lots of actual evidence. Mia was surprised at this open mindedness of Tanya for this location.

On the night or overnight stay at a location, everyone is given a task. Benjamin's task is to get to know a buildings structural safety. Rhys is on cameras, batteries and battery checks. Mia is on devices, Damon is on lighting and Tanya is there to document and debunk.

The group meet up at Mia and Tanya's home, on a Saturday morning they double check all the equipment and head to the location. They head to the location it's just a few miles drive from the location. Tanya is always in first, she wanders the entire building taking baseline readings of the natural sounds of the house. The group don't research the property or other teams findings, they go in blind. Tanya after an hour and a half comes out, she has recorded all the natural sounds, it's temperature and to make sure no one is squatting in it.

Mia looks over the readings and once Benjamin gives the ok to go in, the team enters to set up their cameras and devices, it's still early, they decided to keep their lighting off until it gets dark. Tanya for the first time suggests that this be an overnight. Mia was surprised, did Tanya see or hear things that she didn't record during her walk through?

The night began slow, but as soon as darkness fell, they kept their electric lights off, they used some candle light and their infrared light. The feeling of the place changed, that even Tanya was frightened but she put this down to the building being so large and dark.

Rhys set up his cameras, he notices something that no one else can see. Rhys never tells what he see on camera until they review them. Rhys broke this rule as there was what looked like a soldier standing behind Tanya. Tanya then began to ask if anyone felt the cold as she has? Rhys tells her that there's a World War Two soldier standing behind her. Tanya was the only one to breathe out very cold air and for summer this should be impossible, what was more impossible, was the fact that it was only affecting her. Tanya being Tanya always found a rational explanation. Mia could see the look on Rhys's face, she looked at the camera, she could see what was standing behind Tanya.

Tanya seemed to have a little fear rise within her, she could see Mia looking at the camera and her.

"What's going on? What do you see, Mia?"

"A World War Two soldier standing right behind you."

In a nervous laugh she said...

"Let me see?"

"Come take a look, this just might be your undeniable proof?"

Tanya got up and as she walked towards the camera it shut off, the battery died and the footage lost.

"Strange how that happened? There's got to be a rational explanation for this? It could've been a shadow?"

"No Tanya, it wasn't a shadow. Once we get home, Rhys will check to see if the footage is lost? Let's check the rest of the building"?

The night was eventful, their devices that rarely go off went off. Tanya documented everything, especially the devices. Damon began conducting EVP's also known as Electric Voice Phenomena. One was designated to ask the questions and that was left to the sceptic of the group. Tanya began asking questions.

"Who are you? What is your name? Do you know what date it is? When did you die? What did you die from?"

The EVP recorder gave clear and concise answers to all her questions. It was the first time they didn't need software to clean it up and make it clearer for all to hear. The answers were.

"I'm a soldier, i am Colonel Harry Herron. The date is April 1942. I died on the 1st of June 1942. I died from my injuries in the war."

Tanya was stunned, she began accusing Damon of rigging the recorder. Colonel Harry Herron was her great grandfather, he died in the hospital in June 1942. Damon assured her that they didn't rig the recorder. Tanya soon forgot about it and told the group to continue around the building. Tanya was wondering was that the ghost of her dead ancestor? The group told her that if she believes they tampered with the equipment, then they should end the investigation then and there. It wasn't the undeniable proof she required, but it made her mind expand more, to be more open to the possibility that spirits were actually real?

The night into morning was full of EVP's and disembodied voices. Many of the EVP's contained voices of former patients and nurses. Tanya again tried to debunk them, this time she couldn't. Mia knew that at the next location that Tanya will want to hold the EVP recorder for herself. Tanya also reached out to her family to discover where her great grandfather died. Tanya's father informed her that it was in Barnes hospital, on the date the recorder said. This didn't confirm anything for her, but it helped her open her mind.

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