Four Thousand Years Of Treachery.

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The hours passed into the wee small hours, Mia was fast asleep. Tanya couldn't sleep, she began listening to Joaquin's story on her phone. The story was beautiful, she was falling to sleep. Tanya was asleep for around four hours and a servant came in to wake her, the servant told her that Ben had arrived. Tanya got up, she quickly got dressed, she ran to the foyer Ben was there he was excited to see Tanya. Tanya looked at him and she could tell he was exhausted, he had been fighting to keep his vampire side hidden from his wife and children. The servants must've woke Joaquin, he came down in a silk dressing gown, he led the pair to his den as he called it. As they were walking to the den, Carmelita arrived. Joaquin kissed her as if to know nothing, if she is in love with Marie, then she would alert her to a plan.

It obvious she suspected something as she hadn't met Tanya before. Joaquin told her to go their room and he will join her in a while, that he has a rogue vampire to deal with. Carmelita went upstairs, Tanya read her the entire time and she definitely didn't suspect a thing. Joaquin thoroughly interrogated Ben, it was then he came to the conclusion that he should get the first dose. Joaquin led Ben to the legion guesthouse, with a vial of blood, the member that didn't wish to be changed took charge of the experiment. Ben placed down his bags, the member asked Ben did he want a drink to add it to? Ben asked for a large scotch, the member placed two drops of blood in the scotch, Ben chugged it down and was about to collapse, but a member laid him down softly. The legion sat around and watched Ben drift into a deep slumber and waited for him to wake up. The legion were getting impatient but they knew they had to wait.

An hour passed, then two hours passed finally Ben came to. Ben stood up, the members were mesmerised, the two that wanted to change had to wait for full permission from Joaquin. Legion kept him there until Joaquin called the guesthouse for the two members to go ahead with their change after he got a full report on what occurred and how much of the blood was needed?

Joaquin was now fully abreast of the information, he gave the permission for the change. Joaquin had other things on his mind, his wife. Joaquin went to their room, Carmelita was packing.

"Another business trip darling? Yes, there's an art dealer in Paris that wants to invest in our company. I must meet with him by 7:00pm tonight."

"Really? Who might this gentleman be?"

"His name is Abel, he has lots of money but his art studio is failing. I promised him my help."

"Right, i need to talk to him. If he's going to invest with a failing company. I shall like to know him. A number dear?"

"Since when have you ever not trusted my business acumen?"

Joaquin sits down and he asks Carmelita to sit by his side? Carmelita slinks towards him, she takes off her coat. Carmelita puts her arms around him, he slides away. Joaquin stands up, he asks.

"How long has the affair with Marie Jones been happening?"

"I am not having an affair."

"Don't lie to me Carmelita, you have been seen in various locations, by various members. Tell me? Don't even begin to lie."

Carmelita began crying, Joaquin urging her to be quiet. Carmelita stands up and declares that she is in love with her. Joaquin pulls her close and whispers, one last kiss goodbye then? Carmelita kisses him. Joaquin's ultimate revenge was a syringe of the blood, he injected it into her and she fell hard to the floor. Joaquin sat and waited for her to wake up, but she didn't wake up.

Finally after several hours of waiting, she woke up. Carmelita was enraged but she couldn't fight against her husband. It was then she realised she was no longer a vampire. A mere mortal.

"What have you done to me?"

"You know what? You're no longer an immortal."

"Please Joaquin, turn me again. I promise I'll stop seeing her?"

"That's not possible. If our boys could only see you now."

Carmelita begins laughing, telling Joaquin that the boys accept that she loves Marie. Joaquin at the very moment didn't quite grasp what she embellished on him. It occurred to him that she was saying their boys were still alive. Joaquin was furious, how could she keep that from him for four thousand years? Joaquin explains why he did what he did.

"If you had came to me, when you first began to have feelings for her. I would've let you go. Though you chose to sneak around, for decades. I'm not an unreasonable man, Carmelita."

"What you just did to me, do you not think that was unreasonable? Taking away the only good thing about me."

"You thought vampirism was what made you good?"

"You're a wonderful woman, i have loved you since we were kids. I get love grows stale from time to time. I get that you're attracted and in love with Marie. Many have been over the centuries. About our boys where are they?"

Carmelita cries, she tells Joaquin that if she turns her back that she will tell him. Joaquin didn't think twice, he fed her his blood, he snapped her neck and waited for her to come back. Carmelita came back, she drank from a blood bag, her transition complete. Joaquin then asks that she keeps her side to the bargain? Carmelita starts to flail, she was falling all over. Carmelita began to ooze blood from her eyes and all her orifices. Carmelita was dying, but in her last few moments in Joaquin's arms, she told him where the boys were. The boys were in Paris and it made sense that she was packing to go and spend time with them and not Marie. Joaquin had already got the address of the art dealer that didn't exist. Carmelita's body began to turn to dust. Carmelita's body of dust was mingled with her clothes.

Joaquin didn't know whether he gave her too much blood in the syringe given it was only two drops that helped Ben. Joaquin called the guesthouse telling them of Carmelita's fate, to warn them if they're to use the blood, two drops should suffice. It became apparent, that legion knew Joaquin enacted his revenge on his unfaithful wife. The members now realised that once Marie is apprehended, that she will either suffer the same fate or he'll punish her in ways they've always feared. Joaquin has a jail cell in tombs in the Sahara Desert. A place where the sun gets so hot that a vampire falls asleep until he or she is starving and can't handle the sun or heat, they take a piece of wood and stake themselves.

Joaquin ordered legion to be on the lookout for Marie. Marie would be waiting for Carmelita to return. Joaquin ordered for Joanne to come and see him. Joaquin offered her the reversal, he also informed her of Marie's long term infidelity with his wife, another enragement ensued. Joanne asked for the blood. Joaquin knew she would want it, he had it prepared for her. Joaquin gave her two drops of blood and watched as she slept, then he ordered his staff to lockdown everyone from the Jones family.

Joaquin asked for his plane to be ready, he's going to Paris. The house was confused why he was going to Paris, but he must have his reasons. Joaquin had another request, that Tanya send the vampires in her team home and that she and Mia stay, he had more to tell her.

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