Her Undeniable Proof.

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The family woke up on the island, Mia looked out her bedroom window and seen the sea, the coast and the lush waves. Mia went to the room to get Alice and she was awake and Jose was changing her. Jose handed her over to be fed. The was the day Mia finally gave up breastfeeding, she told Jose to get the formula from her bag, he can begin feeding her. The smile on Jose's face was beautiful. Mia went downstairs where Tanya was up and drinking coffee with Joaquin on the deck. Tanya came out and told Mia right away that all the vampire hunters have been eliminated.

"Well I've been thinking about that, those one hundred and seventy five hunters will have families. We may have opened Pandora's Box."

"It's covered Mia. We have compelled their families, friends and work colleagues to forget them. It was a joint effort between Grodan and i. You are a highly welcomed member of this family and that little girl upstairs, is the only human bloodline i have left. So i done this for her. I will not allow for us to be discovered, taken and dissected and that little girl to be left alone."

"There was no need for the soliloquy, Joaquin. I agree. I want Tanya and i to travel the island alone today. Jose will take over for a while."

Joaquin smiles and asks Mia to join them for coffee, while he writes out a map of the island for us to visit. It's much bigger than we all imagined. There was beautiful birds on the island that Alice was drawn to according to Jose, their song stopped her crying. Joaquin decided to record the birds and when she is upset the birds will stop her from crying. Mia went for a shower, she cuddled with Alice for a moment and decided to trek the island with Tanya. Joaquin informed them it was thirty miles wide and twenty miles long. Joaquin made sure he purchased this island, as it was much higher than the others. Joaquin apparently was worried about climate change.

Joaquin has papers sent from the mainland, he's on the internet from the moment he gets up and goes to bed. Rhys told him something that soothed his mind a little, since the vampire hunters were organising in the dark web, there's a very slim chance that others will start up again. Damon told him not kill anymore if they do, it would just make governments search harder for them. Joaquin suggested that he would take the advice under consideration.

Tanya and Mia walked the island, they loved the beauty of it. The couple were worried about their families back home. Mia suggested getting a satellite phone to call and make sure they were ok? Tanya told her it was a bad idea, but she will use magick to keep tabs on family and friends. Mia suggested she tell Joaquin that she will suggest the same to Joaquin. Joaquin can't keep killing people, it would draw much more attention to them. Mia was furious at this and argued with Tanya, Mia for the first time showed her fangs. Mia stipulated.

"I'm a vampire, if i have to kill to save my family, i will."

"What's happening to you?"

"T, I'm telling you. If someone tries to hurt my family, i will kill them."

Tanya stormed off, she realised Mia is changing. Tanya went straight to Joaquin who told her that she's now under orders to embrace who she is. Joaquin told her that's why she stopped breastfeeding. Tanya was confused, was Mia not involving her in decisions anymore? It was obvious that Joaquin wanted to yell at Tanya, he didn't he walked off. Tanya had enough, she wanted away from Mia and the family but she wanted to take Alice with her. Tanya was a fully functioning witch by now. In the middle of the night, she created an illusion that Alice was asleep. Tanya had removed Alice from the house and got on a boat tied to the jetty and drove off. This woke up everyone.

Joaquin took a faster boat and came up along side him, but Tanya underestimated Joaquin, he was around witches for thousands of years. Joaquin fought off Tanya's attacks on him and he jumped on her boat and grabbed Alice and drove back to the house. Joaquin warned her before she was out of earshot, he told her to hide. That if she was found and she leads the police or anyone to the island, he will send legion en masse. This was the end between Mia and Tanya. It wouldn't be the end for Tanya.

Tanya left the island and was seen or heard of for a very long time. Tanya would turn out to betray them all. Joaquin had took the family away from the island to a location that Tanya couldn't pin down. Legion were ordered to change their looks, the same went for Joaquin, Jose and everyone that remained with them. Tanya left with secrets on how to kill vampires, it wouldn't always be as simple as a stake to the heart especially to the older families. The blood would reverse them back and then they would face justice. This wouldn't be easy since Tanya had no idea where they were.

Years slipped by, Mia married Jose. They lived in Alaska, they were all happy. They were soon sent into a tizzy, but they felt safer. Tanya was still in a very secret location, where she self published her book. Tanya gave all the sordid details, from how she loved a woman, investigated a house, discovered that the supernatural was real in the form of vampires. The book was a best seller on many digital platforms. Joaquin was the only one with access to the blood for reversing vampirism, the world didn't know where they were. Legion too split up and they met once a year in a location miles away from their own homes. The public were dying to meet the parapsychologist turned witch, that spent her time with vampires. Tanya remained hidden, they all did.

As the years went on, Tanya's book sales diminished. The world lost interest, from this the family realised it was over. Mia and Jose raised Alice into a beautiful young lady, she was crowned queen and diva of the household. Life was good for the vampires, for Tanya not so much. Tanya finally got her Undeniable Proof. There were people that still didn't believe, but a vast more did believe.


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