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The morning after Rhys returned, he woke up and Ben was outside, he was in his car. Rhys couldn't see what he was doing, but he got out and smoked a cigarette afterwards. Rhys told himself that "he was probably having his main food?" Tanya and the others were up, they were eating breakfast. Damon was coming upstairs and he showed him the video of Ben drinking blood and looking up blood doctors on the internet. Rhys nodded to Damon to confirm that they were on the same page with their thinking. Rhys whispered Ben was in his car and is now outside it. Tanya called them down for breakfast to get on with what they had planned for that day.

"What's the plan, boss?"

"Wait until Ben gets back, then we will discuss it."

"Ok, I'll just stuff my face, I'm starving. Come to think of it, has Ben had breakfast?"

"Yes, he had egg and toast."

The group were munching on their breakfast and Ben came in. He wished everyone good morning. Ben explained that he has been on the phone with Marie, that she's happy for everyone to come in the afternoon. This morning is their outside time as it's darkish and overcast. Tanya told him that was fair enough. Mia then asked?

"Does she have any stipulations?"

"No, she's happy to meet with us all."

The day went on, Ben received a text from Marie, she is wanting them to come now. Rhys had a hidden camera, Damon too. The group made their way towards Marie's house, Tanya and Mia had a bad feeling but they just went with it. The group took their car, they drove around. All of them exited the car, Tanya and Mia calmed themselves. Mia hinted to Damon and Rhys to do the same.

Tanya was about to ring the doorbell, the door was opened before the bell ended. Marie with her beautiful smile, she held out her hand and began greeting everyone. All of them were soon stood in the house, the house had many occupants, but it was deathly quiet. Marie broke the silence and welcomed them to her home. The group stood at the door all except Ben, who was by Marie's side.

"Come all of you, i would like to introduce you to my family."

"Where are they? It's so quiet."

"They're in the back lounge, let's go and meet them."

Marie walked in front, Ben slightly behind and the rest straggled behind, worried about what lay before them. Marie and Ben were in the lounge first, it was jam packed with relatives, Marie began introducing the group to her family.

"Everyone, this is the paranormal research group i have been telling you about. This is Ben as you all know, his colleagues, Tanya, Mia, Rhys and Damon."

"Hello," they all joyfully repeated in unison.

The family members began telling everyone their names.

"Hi, i am Emilio. I am Marie's uncle."

The rest continued to introduce themselves. There was twelve people that lived in that house. Gregory was the little boy, he was Marie and her girlfriends Joanna's son. Marie's aunt Imelda, there was her sister Yvette, her brother Keith, her twin cousins Alistair and Alfredo. The others were, Marie's aunts Barbara, Joanna senior whose Joanna's mother. Then last but not least Lissette. Gregory didn't look as pale as the others, slightly sun deprived but if they can't go into the sun, they probably want to make him feel included although it was having detrimental effects on his life.

Tanya asked?

"Is there a Spanish connection with this family? It's just the Spanish sounding names in Wales is somewhat out of place?"

"Yes, Emilio and Imelda are from Spain. They're cousins of our family. My mother was Spanish."

"Was? Where is she now, if you don't mind my asking?"

"My mother was killed a long time ago."

"I am sorry, Marie. You seem to know who we are. What help do you want from us?"

"You're a university lecturer, you would have studied the occult, to work in this field? We were hoping that you might know a haematologist? Someone that's willing to work under the radar."

"I might do, but that would mean they would have to come to your house? Is that ok?"

"We need someone that you can trust, that won't take their findings to the media or beyond our permission?"

"Ok, have you seen doctors?"

"Yes, but they've been unable to help?"

"Then if that's the case that mine won't either."

"Can you at least try? There has to be someone that can help us?"

Tanya looked around at all the miserable faces in that room, especially little Gregory's, he is desperate for his family to be able to enjoy the day like everyone else can. Rhys went off book, he told them that he knew they were vampires. That if they want help, they needed to be honest about it. Ben stood in front of Rhys and told him to mind his own business. Rhys didn't show fear this time he showed anger.

"Ben, I'm not stupid. If they are vampires what concern is it of ours?"

"I've read the lore Ben, if a vampire has tainted blood and can't go out in the sun. A witch has made it that way."

Suddenly you could hear everyone's heartbeats, then a silence. Marie begged Tanya to try and find someone to help them and ordered them to leave. Ben and Rhys began arguing as soon as they left. Rhys repeatedly saying.

"You're like them a god damn blood sucker."

Ben didn't respond, they just carried on to their cars and drove back to the house. Rhys was still adamant that Ben was a vampire, he was right he is. Ben just hasn't revealed himself yet. Tanya got in touch with a professor of haematology at work, she asked him could he do some unpaid work for a family to discover what's wrong with their blood? The professor told her that he would help if she sends him all documentation of what treatments they've had to try and resolve the issue.

Tanya called Marie and asked for medical evidence that she and her family have been seen by a doctor. Marie faxed everything over and Tanya sent it all to the professor. The professor told Tanya that all has been done that can be done medically, if they're still struggling, that they just need to follow the advice they were given.

Tanya passed on the message to Marie who wasn't happy to say the least. Tanya knew of a haematologist that works in the lab. Tanya asked Marie for samples of her blood. Marie told her to come and collect it. Tanya was more unconvinced that they were vampires after what the professor told her, she felt safe to travel to Marie's alone and without telling anyone.

Tanya drove around and Marie invited her in, she felt safe and comfortable. This would turn out to be her biggest mistake. Marie gave Tanya a drink, it contained her blood among other ingredients. Tanya unwittingly drank it, soon she fell into a deep sleep. Tanya of course never woke up a vampire but the concoction she gave her was ancient. Tanya was what the family needed all along a witch. Marie had throughly done her homework on Tanya she was from witch lineage. The blood added to the herbs, woke up the witch inside her. Tanya knew from that moment on her life was changed forever. Tanya's ancient family cursed Marie, it would take a blood relative to fix the curse and the family can live in harmony with everyone. Tanya recognised what she was, she then tried to flee. Marie stopped her. The family now had Tanya trapped. Tanya didn't tell anyone where she was going, the cameras and watch schedule had fallen by the wayside since Ben's transition. They might know where she is, but it's gaining entry and now they have a vampire among her friends, he most likely will put obstacles in their way.

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