Blood Drops.

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It was the morning after the birth, Tanya was by Mia's side. Tanya was changing nappies, Mia was stirring. Alice began crying, Jose came in and watched as Mia fed their daughter. Jose stood by the bed, stroking her head while she fed and told Tanya he would leave them alone and that a schedule should be drawn up? Tanya agreed, then he would be able to take the pressure off when they were tired or overwhelmed. Mia wanted to get up, get showered and dress Alice to introduce her to their friends and the family.

Joaquin ordered all legion members to come for an hour, welcome the baby into the family and sign the document of protection for the baby for the rest of her mortal life. Jose and Mia being her parents would need to choose godparents, should anything ever happen and that Alice is hidden and safe. Mia requested to see Ben, Tanya was worried she already knew, did her telepathic powers enhance with the pregnancy? Mia could only read thoughts if she was in the same room as someone, but had she broke through Tanya's thought protection?

Mia came down, she had Alice in her arms. The others in awe, Ben especially. Ben told everyone this was the last thing he ever expected to see. Mia looked at him strangely, she handed the baby to Jose and asked Tanya and Ben to join her in the study? The group looked suspiciously at this request, but they were excited to finally see the baby. Ben started off by saying congratulations. Mia snapped at him.

"How could you? The writing of the book was Tanya's idea. Yet both of you spoke about it, yet you wouldn't tell me. I am duty bound to inform legion."

"Baby you can't, he's been our friend much longer than these people."

"These people, Tanya?"

"Your family, i know. You're forgoing the friendship that stands before you in the shape of Ben."

"Ben will not just put himself in danger, but our daughter. I'm sorry, but if you don't stop writing this book Ben, i will have to inform legion and Joaquin. He's not stupid he already knows you're hiding something."

Ben began to become fearful. Ben told Mia that he won't write the book in a nonfictional way. Mia became incensed, she became furious, she told him.

"You won't write this book ever. If you want to write a book, write about all the evidence we collated since before Anglesey. There's enough evidence to publish a book."

Ben was sad his friend spoke to him in this manner. Mia told him she was sorry for her outburst, but her daughter is now one of the most important people in her life and she will do all she can to protect her. Mia went further, she compelled him to forget about writing a book. Tanya asked Mia was the compulsion really necessary? Mia informed her that had she not have compelled him, she would've had to hand Ben over to legion and she loved him too much to do this. Tanya understood her now, they exited the study and Joaquin was waiting for them. Tanya had a worried look on her face, but he pulled Mia aside. Joaquin asked what went on inside his study?

"Ben was going to write a book on us. Had Alice not been here and the fact he's my longtime friend. I compelled him to forget about the book."

"Ah, i see. The best course of action. I could tell he was hiding something. I hope the compulsion worked though?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've just had a baby, your hormones will be all over the place."

"It worked Joaquin. He's not going to write about us, he's going to write about all our previous investigations. We don't need to worry about him."

Joaquin was relieved that she had it covered. Joaquin seen Mia in a complete different light, that she totally fitted in, more so than any other new vampire. Joaquin began to love her like a daughter, he decided on having a baptism if she and the parents allowed it? Mia had read his mind and told him that she would like it, it would keep the church off their backs. Mia and Tanya had read the church were investigating them for centuries. The group continued to celebrate Alice's birth.

Ben had a very close shave with death tonight, there was something that Ben hidden from them, his techniques taught by Tanya hid this from them. Ben had discovered how to defend himself from compulsion. Ben trained his brain to deflect it, he remembered everything in the study. Ben didn't want to stay for the christening, but he would stay overnight and return home the next day. The night Ben settled in, he received a text from his wife that their daughter had been hit by a car. Frantic, Ben got up, he packed and as he was leaving, without saying goodbye. Ben secretly filmed Joaquin, Mia, Damon and Rhys feeding. Ben told them he had to leave immediately, that his daughter was in hospital seriously injured. They all told him goodbye, they wished his daughter well. Joaquin came forward with a vial of his blood he quickly taken from himself. Joaquin told him to give his daughter little drops daily, it would help her get better without raising suspicion. Ben was thankful for this, he got into his hired car and drove to the airport.

Ben got home, his wife was beside herself. Ben went to the hospital as she needed to come home for their other daughter. When Ben got to the hospital he was shocked, she was intubated as she was being assessed for brain damage. Ben dropped a couple of drops of Joaquin's blood onto the lips of his daughter. Ben fell asleep by her side. Lily didn't wake up that night, but she woke groggy the next morning. Ben called his wife to inform her she was awake. Amanda was in shock.

"How Ben? Her prognosis was bad last night. I was preparing to bury her."

"We don't know yet, love. The doctors are also stunned. They're taking her for scans later. Lily still isn't talking yet though, she's awake and that's a good sign."

Ben spent all of the days at the hospital with his daughter. Ben dropping little drops in her mouth as she slept. Lily was progressing, but slowly enough to stave off suspicion. Lily was now starting to talk, she was starting to feel better. The doctors were amazed, Lily had broken every single bone in her body during that crash. Ben was worried about X-Rays. The doctor came back and joked with Ben.

"What the hell are you giving her? Her bones are healing."

"Just my love, Doc."

"Keep it up pal, she is doing great. We are calling in experts as these bones shouldn't be healing so quickly."

The doctor left the room and realised he had a few drops left, he decided on leaving it until he heard back from the experts. Ben learned something then, if just a little vampire blood can heal this way? Could he possibly forget the book and and strong arm Joaquin into helping him heal children like his daughter? Ben stepped outside his daughters room, to call Tanya but he could overhear the experts talk about taking his daughter for tests on her blood. Ben approached them and told them he isn't giving permission for unnecessary tests to be carried out. The doctors were confused as they told him, by understanding her extreme and quick recovery from an almost deathly state. Ben still refused and the doctors had to abide by his requests. Ben called Tanya and told him of his daughters recovery, if he drops the story would Joaquin give him vials to help other children? Tanya told him she would ask him if he told her how he feigned compulsion? Ben promised he would. Tanya didn't believe him, but she knew his heart was pure and if were to publish a book, he wouldn't name any of them.

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